Sorry for the massive art dump, I have NOT been keeping up to date on Inkbunny and I feel really bad XD I even hit the hourly limit
I only have one more to upload haha OOPS
This is what happens when you don't have immediate access to a scanner and am unable to digital art right now haha YEESH
So I really want to be a bit more active on here as well as Weasyl because FA is a complete train wreck? I don't want to leave it completely for obvious watcher reasons because watchers like, refuse to leave FA for some reason :T
But what i'm thinking is updating here and Weasyl first, then maybe a week later updating at FA to try and get people to move from FA because it's just a wreck right now and people need to migrate really bad haha. THinking of also maybe getting a furry network? Not sure yet but, hey who knows.
Obligatory other places to find me list now!
FA-Carderloom (most used, trying to distance myself)
Twitter-HawkingsWest (highly used)
Devinatart-Leadmonkey (hardly used)
Con update I guess if any of ya'll care. Went to Reno Nevada for BLFC and it was freaking awesome!! I did have to deal with a lot of drama from my friends which really sucked :T I stayed in a room with 7 people and 4 service dogs, it was a bit of a disaster to say the least. Sleeping on the hotel floor sucked, rocks are seriously softer? The dogs peed and pooped in the hotel room so it forever smelled like urine. Everyone wasn't very clean? The room was trashed and it was terrible. A bunch of stupid drama went on so I left to hang with my boyfriend but then because I wasn't there it also caused drama?? Def getting a room to myself and only a few others before I do that again FOR REALS :T I didn't get to do some stuff too like swim in the pool or do the giant swing. I was also slightly sick the whole con? Not enough to put me out of commission but it sure did hinder me and it sucked. Didn't get my giraffe suit done in time so I was really fucking bummed. I did bring my Dragon head and rat tail and paws to wear, but I found it so pointless that I mostly just handled people who were in suit. I was designated fursuit mom haha. But because of no suit, I couldn't practice for the dance so I missed that too which really stunk. But, I got to meet Zarafa in RL and he's such a babe lol. I also hung out with GLitch nearly the whole con because it had been 9 months since I seen him? It was so great, he has no clue how happy he made me! He roomed with Toby who was a DJ and it was so great seeing him light up talking about all kinds of music stuff that I didn't even understand in the slightest. I loved to watch and listen to him. He was mostly drunk the whole con but he was very relaxed and happy so that's all that matters to me. Hopefully, i'll be going to Anthrocon this year? Not sure if I will be able to get the time off, but who knows. Maybe Abraham giraffe suit will be done by then? If he isn't i'm 'bout ready to literally give up XD Of course I will also be going to RMFC in Denver this August because I live like 45 minutes away from it XD I'll be in the dance comp for that one for sure! Giraffe suit or no.
I'm done I think haha OKAY I love you all!! MWAH <3
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8 years, 10 months ago
21 May 2016 23:04 CEST