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Fur Eh 2016: Afterward

Well it has now been a week since I left to go to Fur Eh! Wow does time ever fly by O.o
I never would have been able to predict how awesome it would turn out, but that was one of the best weekends of my life!! To think that a little less than 2 months ago, I didn't even know anyone else who was into the fandom. Now I've met so many amazing people, and this weekend really got my even more involved than I have ever been in the fandom.

Special thanks to StealthyD for being my friend, and letting me come with him to this years con.

I was so happy I got to meet and hang out with other scalies too like
PianoDrake Slyther SabreDragon Tyrannotaur nakiri
Some of the non-scaly people I really enjoyed hanging out with as well:
pyrenite1001 Zeno_The_Jackal jquiroga28 chibipanda soulzsergal arkxy zynehusky

It was also very cool meeting people from the same community as me!

I was extremely happy with the badge commission I got done by eerieeden it turned out very cool and finally allowed others to see who I was without having to pull out all my ref sheets to show them. :D
I also commissioned some amazing work from lazyleopard Slobberknocker
When you see other people's drawings of your own character; it really gives you a new appreciation for the art.

The event was jam packed with soo much stuff to do right from the start, and I found the days went by just way too fast. Thanks to Sergov for hosting the dragon meet and greet. And who ever brought the live lizard for everyone to pet was very awesome. I'd actually never had the opportunity before to touch a reptile ^^
My favorite event was the Talent Show. I wasn't sure what to expect going in, but all the performances and video presentations were stunning!!

Learned just how small the world/fandom is when I saw an old friend asurium from cadets that I hadn't seen in almost 3 years! Great to see you again dude. I was also excited whenever I saw someone who's character I had previously seen at some point on the internet, and some art work that was even in my favorites gallery.

As an artist myself, I really enjoyed showing others my work and getting their reaction/opinion of it. I also learned some rather valuable techniques I hope will improve my art even more.

Walking around the Dealers Den and seeing all the art and level of talent they brought in was a lot of fun. Although I probably spent too much, and don't even have money left anymore for food XD :D :) :| :( :'(
I think the artwork done by redcoatcat made this years Fur Eh the most Canadian Fur con there could possibly be with the whole RCMP uniform theme going on!

Seeing the interaction between people Fur Suiting and the families from Fort McMurry who had no idea the hotel was hosting them, a Fur Con, and a wedding was rather quite special. It really helped them out in tough times and gave them a distraction to keep their mind off the fire.

Thanks to all the staff and volunteers for hosting the event and making it a weekend I will never forget.
From start to finish, the whole weekend was a blast, and I will absolutely be going again next year. I hope to even attend other cons like Vancoufur or Furnal Equinox to see everyone again and meet even more amazing people! :D I never would have thought I could open up to anyone with my "big secret" that I enjoyed anthro art, but after meeting so many people who share common interests as me; I am totally fine now if people find out I'm a Furry. Cause I'm weird and enjoy being so :P
Viewed: 2 times
Added: 8 years, 9 months ago
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