For those of you out there (you know who you are) who get blood-boiling-ly upset over the people who ask you about the Tails Doll curse, this is for you.
Get the FUCK over it.
Especially if you work at all in fan fiction or fan art, and it's even worse for those of you who work in Sonic-based fan fiction or fan art, you have zero right to get pissed off about this stuff. 98% of people who know about the Tails Doll curse know it's utterly false, yet they play along with it. Why? That doll's creepy as fuck, people! Anybody notice that zipper? And how the hell does it manage to float? How does it keep from being destroyed or frayed every time it bumps into something? It's not metal - not on the outside, anyway. On top of that, it was mish-mashed together as an afterthought; despite following its normal functions in the game, the possibility of malfunctions and rewriting programs by itself is great. What it can do is limitless.
So yeah, you're getting all pissy and moaning and griping over fan fiction that just happens to not tickle your particular fancy. Seriously. I don't make hate-art or hate-stories about straight couples (I'm a supporter of Fang x Rouge, for example), nor do I complain when I see it; what gives you people the right to do the same for those of us who do enjoy the story and the ability to modify it?
Let me take this an inevitable step further: Fan characters. As obscure as the Tails Doll is already, one could consider it a fan character as written by those who use it. I must say, I don't often see people getting harangued by others because of their fan characters, nor do I see much in the way of people abusing the fan characters of others or saying "oh, well, that was an adaptation of something else," et cetera. Yet someone found the Tails Doll to be creepy and decided to make a story out of it, it became popular, and now... well, now you have people asking "What the hell is this? I don't like it; I think I'll insult it and everybody who bothers to write about it!" Jealousy much?
Get over the story of the Tails Doll Curse, and yourselves while you're at it.
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13 years, 4 months ago
25 Nov 2011 02:10 CET