I know I don't have many watchers so this won't be seen by too many, but figured I'd give a shot asking this here (also have this up on SF's forums).
So I've been thinking for a couple of weeks about trying to start making (no idea if I'll ever "finish" it, but...) a Dating Sim type Flash Game, except it would be Vore Sim. Same premise as a Dating Sim, but instead of them ending up in your bed they end up in your belly (maybe a trip to the bed before the belly).
But... there's certain aspects of Dating Sims I usually don't like.
Don't like the "Say the right thing" style, where it's just a set of choices to say different things and you can game over at any point for saying the wrong thing.
Also I really want to avoid the "Energy" and "Tight Time Frame" style, where you can only do so much each day (including talk) and have only so many days to get your stats up and woo your target before you game over.
I am thinking maybe kind of a hybrid. Because the idea I have is for there to be several ways to get your prey, with different characters being easier/harder to get in different ways, as well as an escape/caught-in-the-act game over. Willing (they want it), Talked Into (you convince them), Tricked (lure them to your bed then...), and Unwilling (the brute force approach). So there would need to be stats, and some chat trees for the Talked Into and Tricked routes. I'm just not sure how to go about letting the player increase those stats. Without an Energy system they could just freely increase everything straight away and then there's no fun or chance of failure, but... Maybe use an Energy system only for stat increasing and/or put limits on how much/quickly they can be raised, but don't limit character interactions with that Energy...
I just don't want there to be failure from "you didn't play 'fast enough'". Failure would be from "you tried the Tricked route, but your cunning wasn't high enough and they saw through your ruse and escaped to call the cops".
So I guess the question is:
What do you like/dislike in Dating Sims?
And/or any thoughts on a way to increase stats while still having fun of the "pursuit" and chance of failure?
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8 years, 11 months ago
19 Mar 2016 17:48 CET