Wow. I hope you feel better soon. ^^ This reminds when a friend of mine got his four wisdom teeth out. He came to school with his cheeks looking somewhat fat. He said it would only last a whole week. So yeah, he got better eventually. ^^
Wow. I hope you feel better soon. ^^ This reminds when a friend of mine got his four wisdom teeth ou
Oh.... My bad. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm just trying to tell you how I've seen people with their wisdom teeth out. I, personally, never had mine out. At least, not yet. So, sorry again for making you feel bad. ;-;
Oh.... My bad. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm just trying to tell you how I've seen people
I've been there, I had all four out at the same time, and I had to go back to work before my mouth had healed enough to eat properly. Let me give you a tip to make things a bit better with eating; Applesauce, especially the blends with other fruit in it, is delightful, and raspberries can be smooshed against the roof of your mouth with your tongue as affectively as if you'd chewed them. I discovered it's actually kind of depressing when healing from this, because you can't eat what you really want to. So when you pick soft stuff, try to pick things with as much flavour as possible. Raspberries, tomato soup, yogurt, whatever. As long as it's not bland, it makes putting up with the healing a fair bit more tolerable.
I've been there, I had all four out at the same time, and I had to go back to work before my mouth h