I'm a up and coming artist who is looking for helpful advice on anything I produce and add up to this site. Please check out my work here in my gallery I also post stuff to my blog here > http://just-another-unicorn-princess.tumblr.com/ but I post other things there to.
I'm currently opening up 5 request spots. These will be for sketches, line work, inking, and digital coloring. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
These will be free and I will try my hardest to fill request out to the best of my ability. I will not draw Scat Rape ect... this list may change and grow depending on how I start feeling about different subjects as I keep filling out requests. I will post your request here and send you a email of the original file. You can post my art I do for you any place you like as long as you credit me.
I reserve all right to use any art I make as advertisement and will credit you for original character or Idea. I normally do everything on paper before moving onto digital. I'm also working with limited tools so please excuse me for that. I'm currently working two jobs and may be slow to providing your work.