So, apparently, my fursona, despite being 29 didn't look "old enough" for them in the submissions that I created using DAZ. Well, some egghead SOB decided to report these submissions for the fact he didn't look "of age". I don't do that crap, at all, he's just a male version of the DAZ Krystal model, that's all, and with brown hair, there is no difference. And I still get temporarily suspended because of it, to add insult to injury, they removed the submissions that were "violating" the AUP. Also bullshit, so you I sent an appeal to them showing my fursona's profile, proving to them that he is of age, and now I wait, but if they don't let me appeal, oh believe me, they can kiss my ass there goodbye. I've been wrongfully accused of depicting something I never EVER would even consider doing in art.
I don't know what to do, I don't know who to contact or even turn to. I've had these pics on there for what, a year or so, and wham! Some douchebag decides to flag Ragnar pics for "looking too young".
Yeah, it's bullshit, and for nearly a year, the pics are there, not doing any harm, that is, until some douche troll/mod on FA "thought he was too young" (because appearances are TOTALLY everything, right)? If I ever find out who reported me, ooooh man...
Yeah, it's bullshit, and for nearly a year, the pics are there, not doing any harm, that is, until s