I figured it was about time that I got around to writing an actual journal entry about this sort of thing for the sake of putting the word out beyond just a submission description here and there. As a number of folks have probably gathered, I have been endeavoring a great deal to draw my tail-feathers off and pushing myself to learn and improve upon my art--to what I feel has been some pretty great momentum!
Along the way, I've gotten to where I am rather happy with what I'm capable of pulling off while continuing to challenge myself to new techniques, subjects and so on. For me, it has been very exciting--and I'm thankful for all the friends who have helped to support and encourage me along this little odyssey.
As well, I'm appreciative of the folks who have stuck with me and watched too--I can appreciate that a fair number of folk found their way to me primarily from my commissions of other artists for my characters originally (which admittedly is probably not going to change--I still have plenty of fun corroborating with other artists for all sorts of stuff!)
So! I intend to stay serious about my pursuit of drawing and bettering such--and while I mostly have been keeping myself busy drawing gifts for friends or my own characters, I was happy to also tackle what was my first commission recently ( Droc Guidera here ) and have been nudged about doing other commissioned work.
While I don't have a full feel for a more official breakdown for such yet, I think I'm comfortable enough at this point that I'd like to tentatively open up a spot or two if there's anyone who would like to commission a piece from me. I'd love to tackle some characters for folks and generally speaking, taking on things that are new also make for a good educational go as well; what this means is that (within reason) if we're sussing a piece out on estimated time involved and I end up needing to take extra time for research, that generally won't be a major factor.
For reference: my Psy Chuan piece was about three and a half hours of work and the Droc Guidera piece was about eight--but a bit over two of those eight hours were wrapped up in learning wings, feathers, etc and applying them--so without the wings, I'd have been done with that one in closer to five; I worked with the commissioner off of the five instead.
At this time I'm open to discussing possible pieces for subject matter / complexity and working out an estimate for how involved it would be that is ideally comfortable for both of us. As an aside, regarding payment and the like: currently, I would be comfortable accepting / prefer transactions via Square Cash ( http://cash.me for the unfamiliar ) or possibly Amazon gift card as an alternative, would sort out sketches first. Tackling backgrounds, multiple participants, etc. are all possible--so really it's just down to overall potential complexity.
That's a lot of words, but if this is something you're interested in exploring, please by all means leave a comment or shoot me a note and I'd be happy to discuss something with you. In the meantime, thanks again to everyone who has kept me going and motivated, I really appreciate you all quite a bit!