Yeah, it's been a while,hasn't it? I'm sorry for that. Like just keeps popping up to stop me from doing things I like. XP
To give you a basic rundown of what's happened since we last spoke...
-Did some writing.
-Did some drawing.
-Moved over Thanksgiving holiday.
-Worked and moved.
-Here we are.
I'm getting better though. And to apologize for my absence, I have something special to post up on my birthday. A little something I did during the span of time that I didn't have internet when moving. I'll also be posting up the next chapter of Father And Son along with it and, finally, after putting it off forever, I'll post up the backlog of Father And Son related artwork and sketches I've done.
Happy birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy thanksgiving, spoopy Halloween and any other special days I may have missed!
Also I may have changed my fursona slightly, but since he doesn't get that much attention here, it's neither here nor there...
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9 years, 3 months ago
12 Dec 2015 00:17 CET