I’ve always wanted to get this off of my chest and now seems like the perfect time.
RottenRobbie is the most pathetic piece of this fandom that I’ve ever met (I’ve never actually spoken to Dragoneer, so I’m taking him out of the equation). He’s nothing more than an egotistical defense dispenser - spewing high school level bullcrap to make himself feel better about his sorry existence.
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying that he’s necessarily the stereotypical loser (pathetically lonely internet nerd who’s only stimulation is fake sleaze and hopes of insulting that which he can’t see). What he is, is an insignificant spec of filth in the great wide universe – doomed to eventually be swept away like all little specs.
Your fans, what are they but a sweet lie? After all, that’s what they believe in. You are a lie projected toward faceless no ones that devour your shell of a personality to fill a hole in their own hearts. The problem with that is, that hole is like a leaky sink, draining the fascination little by little until there is nothing.
You follow the monotonous chain of fandoms, the property of others that you cling to but can never have. What is yours is generic by definition, perked up by those with greater talent. Without them, what are you? Even less.
“Typical furry autism.”
“You seem like the type of person that thinks they’re always right.”
“You art’s not even that popular. Not that many people are watching you.”
A description of no one but yourself. No happy artist says these things. No happy artist stalks an unknown’s profile, no happy artist makes a second profile to stalk them more, no happy artist faves and watches their own work on a secret page, no happy artist pretends to be his own die-hard fan.
You are misery’s sick twin driven by your own worthlessness.
(The ban hammer may silence this journal, but the truth will linger on in your mind. Laugh at me and deny it all you want, you and I both know. . . that it’s just a front.)
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9 years, 3 months ago
10 Dec 2015 21:09 CET