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What even...?

So I just watched the Sonic Boom episode with Shadow in it against my better judgement, and what the fuck was that shit? How could they be so blatant about only including him because he's popular while simultaneously making fun of his popularity? And also being assholes about it by poking fun at his fanbase?

Is Eggman's fanboying the writers' idea of what his fanbase is like? Squeeing over every little thing he does even when he does fuck all? Why would you exploit a character for their popularity, then make fun of the people that like him? They even attempt to point out how silly it is to like him, even though this boring cliche is a far cry from the version we like. He's not popular because he "stands in a corner not participating," he's popular because he's different and compelling. He's a dark character for the Sonic franchise and that makes him novel. He's a Byronic character in an overall upbeat series, and the contrast is interesting and allows for compelling narratives, something the comics understand and use well, most of the time.

And then they do nothing with his character. He barely has any lines and does nothing but stand around looking angry for most of the episode. They try to make jokes about how inexplicable liking this broody version of Shadow is, but seem to completely miss the fact that this version suuuuuucks and isn't the one that's popular and they only achieve highlighting how much this Shadow pales in comparison to the real one. I can't emphasize that enough, they make fun of people for liking the version of Shadow they created, without even realizing their version isn't the one that's well liked, that's too sad to even find funny. Do they actually think their version is interchangeable with the original? Fuck right off with that delusional bullshit.

And he doesn't even interact with Sonic in any significant way. He shows up, beats him up, then fucks off. Sonic doesn't say a word to or about him. As if they needed to make it even more obvious he was only there to be exploited. He has no impact on anything, then leaves on a promise to return to tantalize his fans. Their exploitation of him doesn't even try to be subtle.

Maybe I'm overreacting, but it honestly felt like they were trying to make fun of his fans, and that's a dick move no matter the context, but it's especially galling when they're milking his fanbase at the same time. Ugh.

I'm curious, why do you like Shadow? What about him makes you like him and be interested in his character? If you dislike the Boom version as much as I do, why? What do you think makes Boom!Shadow different, and worse, than the real Shadow?
Viewed: 41 times
Added: 9 years, 1 month ago
9 years, 1 month ago
I'll admit I haven't actually seen much of Sonic Boom, including this episode, not for lack of wanting. But Shadow, apparently, was a bit of a complex character for them to try and put in. The writers even outright stated that they originally thought they'd never get Shadow in, because the humor they try to normally do in the show would really offset Shadow's character and ruin him even worse than you think they did. I don't really think they were trying to poke fun of current fans with Eggman's fanboying, though I can see why it could come across like that for some people. Even though a lot of us like Sonic, Boom is a cartoon, and therefore marketed toward a much younger audience (I'd assume 8-13 year olds, maybe). It's their sense of humor that Boom is trying to appeal to, which evidently is vastly different from ours. Even if that is the case, I think maybe by the second season it might get a little more polished and well-rounded, as is the trend with the other popular cartoons. Maybe.
9 years, 1 month ago
I played SA2 when I was 8, and I handled it just fine. I don't think target audience is an excuse for poor writing. There are kids shows that respect kids' intelligence, like Steven Universe. Crappy writing is crappy writing, no matter who it's intended for. I just felt insulted by it. Even if they had no intention of making fun of the fanbase, it still came off as exploitative, and that's what bugged me the most. Like I said, I'm probably overreacting :/
9 years, 1 month ago
   I do have to say, that line about Sonis craftsmanship being the reason Shadow had to kill him bugged me.  I was hoping, as this takes place after rise of lyric, that there'd be a bit more character development, or shed some light as to why he was there, but it only left me with more questions.  At the end of the game, Shadow almost seemed to be trying to educate Sonic in something, and even praised him.  Even in shattered crystal he had a defined reason why he was after lyric.  Now he just wants to murder Sonic outright, and trying to kill someone for a comedic flaw doesn't work as a plot device in the level of cartoon Boom is.  I did enjoy the episode, but it left me with even more questions that before.  Let's hope season two will have more boom character development on Shadow.
9 years, 1 month ago
The show actively avoids character development. Every episode is self contained, as far as I can tell, so no development can be had when every episode is its own thing. I hate that about the show, honestly. There's no progress, no forward motion. Just antics. Blegh.
9 years, 1 month ago
The first example of no character developement is even seen in the first episode.
First episode: Sonic shows great concern for Tails' safety.
Episodes afterwards: Sonic shows none of that concern whatsoever.
UT episode: UT states Sonic's great affection towards Amy.
Episodes afterwards: Never discussed again.
Any and all character development is written in the episode only to be thrown out later on.
I honestly have to admit that Sonic Boom is a guilty pleasure of mine, though on a much lower scale than 4kids' Sonic X version, but I don't care for the characters or what happens to them. Good writer's are supposed to make us care, weither this is a kids' show or not. Like you said, this being a kids' show is no excuse to use lazy writing.
9 years, 1 month ago
It's like snack food. You can binge on it all you like and it'll be good in the moment, but you're not really satisfied and it wasn't memorable. I binged watched it out of curiosity, and it passed the time, but overall, I barely remember anything that happened.

I hate kids' shows that treat kids like idiots -.- Respect them as human beings that want to learn and grow. Give them something to think about, they're completely capable of it. Look at Inside Out. Its moral is that it's okay and even healthy to be sad. That's very mature and it's delivered in a way that kids can both enjoy and learn from. There's no excuse for fluffy bs like Sonic Boom in a world where Inside Out exists.
9 years, 1 month ago
I'm part of his fanbase,and I wasn't offended at all....
I really doubt anyone was,except for people that maybe can't take a joke.
Honestly I LOVED that episode JUST because of the fact they had lines like:
"He's only the second most popular character in the cannon!" Referring to what we think.
"Shadow's joined team Eggman to fight Sonic!!I'm geeking out up here!!" That was by far,hilarious.They AREN'T trying to offend anyone they're just poking fun,and honestly,that's really good.Because it's either this,((Which isn't even that bad)) Or they never pay attention to the fanbase at ALL.
There's no possible way their actually trying to hurt our feelings,they HAVE payed attention to us otherwise I seriously doubt SonAmy would become canon.....
I do AGREE that there is no character development,but honestly,it's an episode a week they're bound to get worked up and they need to start the second season soon...
If anything I was too excited with the fact that Shadow was actually in a fucking episode,not his "Development"
Only thing that bugged me was Kirk Thorton.
9 years, 1 month ago
Well, apparently I can't take a joke then XD
Honestly, though, what bothered me the most is the exploitation. The taunting of his fanbase is speculation on my part, but exploiting his character is so obvious. He's there just to be there, to show up but do nothing. To satisfy his fans and nothing more. I don't want him to be a check off the checklist of obligatory appearances, I want him to do something, anything. I couldn't get into anything funny they attempted because of how exploitative it was.

9 years, 1 month ago
I can see why you would be offended. But Sonic fans in general have a terrible reputation and are often talked shit about on the internet, so I just shrug it off and let it slide.

Hmm, what do I like about the real Shadow?
1. He has an actual background.
2. He's obviously a protective person.
3. He respects people.
4. He's willing to go far for friends/allies.
5. He never gives up, he'll do anything in his power to reach a certain goal.
6. He does things his way for things he thinks are right or worth fighting for.
7. Because of a promise he's made fifty years ago, he has sworn to protect an entire planet for the rest of his existence, even with the threat of being locked away forever hanging over his head.
8. He's selfless as shown by him sacrificing himself to save the planet from a crashing space colony and, again, still fought to save all even with the threat of being locked away forever hanging over his head.
9. Awesome Chaos Abilities with and without Chaos Emeralds.
10. When he was a villain, he had legit reasons to be pissed at the world.

The difference with Boom!Shadow?
1. He has no background.
2. He's not protective.
3. He doesn't respect people.
4. He thinks friendship/teamwork is a weakness so obviously he's not going to fight for friends/allies.
5. He'll never give up, that is, so long as you don't take a selfie with him.
6. He does things his way because he thinks friendships are weak and just likes to fuck with Sonic, apparently.
7. He's a confirmed villain.
8. He went out of his way to hunt Sonic down and try to stop him from saving the world from Lyric in the game.
9. Chaos Abilities, even though Chaos Emeralds and Chaos Energy as a whole isn't even supposed to exist in this world.
10. His excuse for wanting to kill someone? Poor craftmanship. Honestly, that's no better than an internet troll.

Conclusion: Boom!Shadow is the exact opposite of Shadow.
9 years, 1 month ago
I don't want to shrug it off. I don't like seeing any group of people get harassed for stupid reasons, whether I'm a part of that group or not. I'll argue 'til I'm blue in the face.

They've simplified everyone down to easy, digestable cliches, but Boom!Shadow just bugs me so much. They took away everything that makes him interesting and just made him an asshole. They've taken a character that is an interesting and conflicted hero, and made him into a boring cliche of a villian. He's not even entertaining like the others can occasionally be. It feels like he's become exactly what those people that make fun of the Sonic fanbase say about him. He's just an emo or a scene kid or whatever. It just hurts to see that done to my favorite  character. And it sucks that this version is what kids are seeing of him when his character is capable of being so much more :/
9 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, I think Boom!Shadow is absolutely terrible too. He could've been so more, but instead they made him into the stereotype people who dislike him make him out to be. They didn't listen to Shadow's fanbase at all and instead paid more attention to the little bitches who bitch about him instead of atleast trying to see Shadow for the character that he is. It is indeed sad that this is the Shadow new Sonic fans will see instead of the misunderstood hero who sacrificed himself at the last moment and fought by Sonic's side even if to appease a dear friend's last wish way past her death we had been introduced to back in SA2.
9 years, 1 month ago
I adore Shadow because I can relate to him, as well as looking up to the character overall. It isn't so much him being a dark/serious character in a not so serious world. Its his sense of realism and how this affects his overall take on justice. His a really complex and emotional character, and there is a lot of material you can work from with this.

That being said, Sonic Boom doesn't cover any of this, let alone with its main cast. So of course none of that was going to end up being relevant. Its a really shame but I just cannot stand Boom. You can make a 'kids show' without having to reduce it to one liners and half baked jokes.
9 years, 1 month ago
So true. I wish the games would do more with him, but they try too hard to be their version of 'kid-friendly,' which is actually just watering everything down. Kids are naturally curious and want to learn, and there's an opportunity with Shadow to have narratives on moral gray areas and overcoming intangible obstacles and even dealing with mental illness. These are things kids need to know to grow up into functional adults. Hiding the nastiness of the world isn't protecting them, it's sending them into the world ignorant and unprepared.

SA2 was pretty brutal and it's my favorite game, and I played it for the first time when I was 8. I cried a lot and it was hard at the time, but ultimately I'm happy I played it because it was so hard and emotional. Sonic Boom has nothing difficult, nothing worth thinking about, and nothing worth remembering.
9 years, 1 month ago
Exactly and its the shows that treat kids like adults that will be remembered better. This doesn't mean they can't have comedy, or parts to keep them entertained. But it doesn't have to be all slap stick either.

Sega did this at the worst time too when a lot of kids shows/general audience material are trying much harder in their work. So this show may go by the wayside at this rate. We will have to see.

My only worry is that it is doing well for some. Or those that are 'trying' to enjoy it with 'well its what we got and we need to support Sonic.' No I will support Sega when it does something I actually like. I will not buy into this.
9 years, 1 month ago
Trust me, Sonic Boom has disappointed me since the very first episode. This version is too kid friendly for my taste that brings out my questions about the SatAm universe.

But let's talk about Shadow, his appearance was in their first 3DS game, not in the show. And we waited for 50 episodes JUST for his appearance, with NO tragic background story of the character, NO personality, and NO goal whatsoever. And worse of all, Eggman bending his knees for him. I was like 'WTF???!' when I saw this. I was going to give this show a chance if they AT LEAST get Shadow right. But NO, we only see him and Sonic fighting.....that's it. And nothing coming from Sonic about Shadow.

What the fungis??
9 years, 1 month ago
You know, I never watched the SatAM show when I was a kid, but I've seen a few episodes recently and I like it as an adult. It actually feels like it has a point for existing, unlike Sonic Boom.
9 years, 1 month ago
(Sunny ranting! Lol XD Sorry Boom Lovers >.>; ) Personally I'm don’t like with the Sonic Boom franchise very much…  Not gonna lie, I was super hyped when they said the boom series would be an action packed alternate universe (I <3 alternate universe ideas, as long as the core character aren’t messed with and the story isn’t all over the place!)  where this Sonic is a lone wolf of sorts and meets everyone else during the course of one of his adventures and though at first he’s stubborn with  ‘his I work alone’ attitude, he learns the value of working with a team. At least, that’s what the creators led me to believe. That there would be this epic story and each of the characters would have a backstory.(Kinda like Teen Titans or the Crystal Gems) But, nope let’s just screw this thing over and make it a generic comedy show with Sonic characters! (Don’t even get me started on the games and comics! =p) Don’t get me wrong! I love comedy! It’s one of my favorite things! But when someone promises you something and you get completely different it’s like WTF?!?  Plus Sonic Boom’s humor though having it’s golden moments; it’s nothing too hilarious or memorable for me. Some of the jokes/plots during the newer episodes even come off as mean or cringe worthy.
But I think the worst thing is that they messed up everyone’s characters!  (Expect Tails, though he has is bad moments…) And Shadow is honestly the one who got the worst of it!!! DX< He’s basically only there, just because he’s popular and it’s not even him, it’s just some prick using his skin! At least the main characters have some positive traits about themselves. I’m sorry if I sound too harsh but it’s the truth. I knew since the beginning how the episode was gonna play out since I knew how Boom!Shadow’s mind basically worked! ‘I hate Sonic, cause he’s weak! I’ll beat him up cause why not?’ And then when Sonic get the upper hand, he gets teleports outta there with a ‘dark’ promise of returning to fight Sonic again. HAHAHAHAHAHA, yeah no… not even Boom!Sonic doesn’t takes him seriously. If Modern Shadow saw just how much of a jerk this version was, he would find it unacceptable! I think he would rather be around Hawaiian Shadow. :3 (Now THAT would be quite an interaction.)

(Again sorry Boom lovers, if your reading this and find offense to it! It’s just me being passionate with my opinion, you don’t have to like it but please respect it. I don’t hate Sonic Boom, I just feel disappointed with the wasted potential… But despite this you guys manage to make your stories of Sonic Boom through the plot holes and your own versions of the story and even your own Boom versions of characters that didn’t appear in the show! It’s amazing how much you contribute Sonic Boom even though it has it’s flaws and some people try to put you down over it. Some of the fics make me smile and the art can be spectacular! Ya’know I hate poorly written kid shows too, but I think that’s why poorly written stuff exists; to inspire great writers to make their own story! Anywho, I think I overstayed my welcome, Sunny is out! PEACE!)

9 years, 1 month ago
I -takes deep breath- HATE Boomshadow. he's my least favorite character from the entire boom series. they basiclly destroyed everything I loved about shadow.
I onced even talked about that with someone who commented on my pic XDDD http://sweetcorn-chan.deviantart.com/art/Sticks-the-ba... ( you would need to scroll down a bit XuX)
but yeah basiclly I like the SA2 shadow the most ^^ and I don't mean the one where he was about to destroy the planet but the one where he remembers maria's true wish and became good. :'''D I do make shadow a grumpy guy when its for comedy, yet in serious stories I like to show how soft he is because he sure was soft as a good guy :''D I believe that shadow is a good guy who just looks kind of evil but actually is just very unexperienced about life. ( since he was frozen for 50 years) so for me he is a child. but yeah sadly they slowly made him into a character who is always grumpy and stuff. I cant remember he was that grumpy in SA2 . he also smiled/smirked ALOT.

... nya i don't like that joke with shadow never smiling. <3>
hes my favorite and I love to see him as a balanced character. a good guy with some evil in him, so he's not the perfect goodie goodie but far aways from that boom-jerk XD. like he would never harm someone if that person hasn't done anything bad to him or the world. why would he always come back to sonic? like seriously boomshadow needs a life XDD ( I can imagine how he wakes up in the morning and being like " must kill sonic cause he has friends !"

9 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, Boom Shadow just bores me. SA2 Shadow was interesting and complex and compelling, and Boom Shadow is so generic it hurts. My worst fear is that "Legacy" Sonic or whatever they're calling it now will be influenced by Boom and Shadow will pay the price. I would hate to see any of them get watered down to their Boom versions, but Shadow would hurt the worst ;-;
9 years, 1 month ago
OMG I agree so much >< . shadow was my favorite because how he was in SA2 and then he slowly became different but honestly I like him being a softie who just doesn't show it to everyone ouo; . he is protective  and kind but at the same time a quiet ponderer. thoughh he can get mad still and stuff. he usually isn't the type of guy who would just come by and glomp you but that doesn't mean , he don't care about that stuff XD. He just don't show his affection towards people by just cuddling them XD. he's complicated and that's what I love about him ^^ .
9 years, 1 month ago
Testify, sister! >8D
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