Because why not.
1. You started to play video games at the age of...?
4-5, somewhere around there.
2. First game you ever played?
It was either Super Mario Brothers or The Legend of Zelda.
3. First console you owned?
4. Consoles you own/owned?
Own: SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, 3DS, NDS, Wii, Game Gear, Genesis, Genesis 3, Dreamcast, PS2, and PS3.
Owned: NES, Atari, and PS1.
5. Your favorite genre(s)?
RPGs, horror, and adventure mostly.
6. Favorite game character(s)?
Link, Siegfried(Soul Calibur), CL4P-TP, Most of the Guilty Gear cast, Ryu Hayabusa, and Snake(Metal Gear series).
7. Which element(s) in games is/are most important for you (story, graphic etc.)?
A good reward system, not necessarily loot but a feeling of accomplishment. Also not shit characters.
8. You don't care about ...?
Cow a Doodie. Achievements mostly, sometimes it can be fun to have a goal to shoot for though. Crapy gimics.
9. Prefer PC or Console?
PC, mods and emulators oh yes.
10. Your current 3 Fav games?
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, The Legend of Dragoon, and Dark Souls.
11. 3 Games you didn't like...
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, Code of Princess, and Assassin's Creed III.
12. One game that's totally overrated in your opinion?
13. Ever played an online game, if yes which one(s)?
Tera, Aion, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Starcraft, Dark Souls, and The Secret World.
14. What do you think about ...Tomb Raider?
Other than Angel of Darkness pretty good.
15. ...Tetris?
Hell yeah!
16. ...Sonic?
Any of the 2D ones are great.
17. ...Spyro?
Not bad, never really got into them though.
18. ...The Sims?
I was done with them after kill them off in horrible ways.
19. ...Legend of Zelda?
Yes please.
20. ... Assassin's Creed?
I really enjoyed 1 and Black Flag.
21. GAME OVER!!!
Fucking hit boxes!
22. Game(s) you'd love to see?
I don't know...
23. Game(s) you're waiting for at the moment?
I need money before I can be looking at games(it's just torture otherwise).
24. Tag some gamers here, if you want to.
I don't care, do it if ya want.
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9 years, 4 months ago
21 Nov 2015 02:34 CET