SO! I've had this account floating around for some time now; I've decided it's time I put use to it!~ So, the things you should expect to start seeing on this account more are as follows-
-Character References {I have SO many to do from different universes so YEAH! This will be a slow ongoing task mind you |D }
-18+ Art {Shhhhhh >/./> you'll see eventually~}
-Official Characters {Kinda missed drawing them so YEAH! This way I won't annoy people with my spam of them on dA |D hopefully you guys won't mind~}
-Mini-Comics/Bigger Comics {I especially have on in particular I was uploading on my old IB that I plan to re-do and upoad back here!}
-Maybe some gift art if I feel like it~
That is all!~ So hopefully I'll get to posting some more soon ;w;/
Have a great day/night guys~