Hi there! I'm not dead yet!! haha
First again, thank you all for the support the past months, thanks to some freelance jobs, donations and a few commissions I managed to replace my tablet, pay my bills and groceries, and well, stay alive haha, thank you all!! If you donated me and you didn't received an email from me, please!!! send me a private message here!! I can't thank you all enough :D
I ve been trying to get lots of things back on track again, sadly I had to return the computer I borrowed and I was stuck without internet or equipment to work, hence my absence from here :( I got a temp job but most of these sites I usually visit are blocked and I cannot work on personal stuff there, but now they give me chance to stay extra time to use the computers and practice on my things :D yaay!! I've been learning some cool stuff lately and as most of you know I'll try to keep improving on my art.
Again, thank you!!
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9 years, 6 months ago
30 Aug 2015 09:37 CEST