You all know why you're here.
On to the things you all love.
Excluded here: Spike/Rarity, Surviving Chrysalis, Get 3 more days, Big Mac. Will upload later if possible, provided I learn anything new, and we all know how to get Big Mac.
"Forward" is used in place of "Up", since Cloudsdale is an "Up" click.
All directions are given from the starting location of Trixie, unless specifically stated. Keep that in mind.
'Gettable' during the DAY(As of posting):
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
'Gettable' at NIGHT:
Twilight Sparkle
Pro Tip: Try to get all of the items you can on Day 1. Trust me.
Transformation Book: Before triggering Trixie's 1st scene, click the blue book she has under her hooves.
Ball: Click right once, then click the ball. For the Ball Gift, take it to Mrs. Cake shown below.
Train Ticket: Click forward twice, then right once, then left once. Click the brown pony, and click "One Ticket." This costs 50 Bits.
Bottle of Wine: While at the train station, the bottle is next to the counter on the floor. Place it by Berry Punch's door for a scene in More Bullshit Mode.
Muffin: Buy from Mrs. Cake for 3 Bits. Grants Shield Breaker B when eaten.
Mane 6:
Applejack: Make Applejack your Day 1 'get', since her minigame gives you the Bits you need to, more or less, complete the game with the best ending.
Become a Unicorn. Go to Twilight's Library (Go up all the way, then enter), then click the book on your right twice. You now know Magic Attack A and Shield Breaker A. Return to the beginning, go left once, then continue up the dirt road until you reach the giant rock. Click it once to destroy it. Following that, go up until you see AJ against a tree.
Click her, and play her minigame 3 times with at least 40, then click yes if you want to get to her scene. Doing her scene will take up the daylight portion of whatever day you're on.
(Tip: If you have trouble clicking fast enough, then go back to Trixie and become an Earth Pony. This makes each click worth 2 points.)
Rainbow Dash: Become a Pegasus. Click the new UP arrow at the top of the screen, then click her. Select "Race" and "Yes" for each option. After this, you need to dodge clouds onscreen, getting 3 max failures before the 4th fails you. Afterwards, you have no choice but to select "Sex. :D" and 'get' her.
This will take up the daylight portion of your day.
Twilight Sparkle: Provided you have at least 50 bits from Applejack's minigame, become a Pegasus. Click the arrow to Ponyville twice, then right once, then left once. Click the brown pony, then click "One Ticket" to get a Train Ticket. Click down twice, then forward twice, then click on the arrow that points to Twilight's window. You'll meet Spike, regardless of choice, in the window. You will have automatically given him the Train Ticket.
Pass the Daylight portion of your day, then return to the window at night as a Pegasus. This will trigger her scene, and 'Get' Twilight.
This will take up the nighttime portion of your day.
More Bullshit Mode: To unlock 'Twilight's Experiments' in More Bullshit Mode, give her the Transormation Book during any Daytime portion of the day. This does NOT consume that portion.
Fluttershy: There are 2 Methods of 'Getting' Fluttershy:
Be any race of pony you please. It won't affect anything unless you go for method 2.
Both: Make sure it's Nighttime, or else you won't trigger anything. Click Right twice, then Forward 3 times. Click on her window, then click the light towards the top of the screen.
Method 1: This will take up the nighttime portion of your day.
Use the dialog options "Why?", "Cheer Up", "Let's Fuck", and "You want it? :P", and this will trigger the scene.
Method 2: This WILL NOT take up the nighttime portion of your day.
Use "Why?" "Cheer Up", and "Forget Her". This will trigger a scene where Fluttershy kisses you, and this technically triggers a 'Get'.
Clicking her window 3 times after Method 2 unlocks her More Bullshit Mode scene.
Pinkie Pie: (CANNOT BE OBTAINED AFTER DAY 2) Forward click right once, and click on the blue ball. Click left, forward twice, and left once. Click on Mrs. Cake, and she will wrap the ball for you. Go upstairs and click the wood that's there, then return the following day.
Go back to Sugarcube Corner and go upstairs again. This will trigger her scene, and take up the daytime portion of your day. Be careful.
More Bullshit Mode Scene: Click the opened box the day after you trigger this scene.
Rarity: If available, see advanced guide.
Background Characters
Derpy: Forward twice, then click the mailbox twice. This triggers a sound. Click it again, and click "Yes". This will free her from the mailbox, and triggers her scene. This takes up either your daytime or nighttime, depending on when you trigger it.
DJ PON-3: Forward twice, then click on the arrow leading to the door with a record on it. Click the center of the record to get the key, and enter when you want. Click her, and this triggers her scene.
This takes up either the daytime or nighttime portion of the current day, depending on when you trigger it.
More Bullshit Mode Scene: Click her window the day after you trigger this.
Trixie: Trixie can be 'gotten' twice; The second 'get' has a different scene, and unlocks a new ending.
You must be a unicorn, and it must be Nighttime. Both scenes consume the nighttime portion of the current day.
1st: Click on her, then again to break her shield using Shield Breaker A. Click the blue symbol, and this triggers the first scene. If you have Shield Breaker B, then this scene has an alternate ending.
2nd: Must be triggered after the first scene. Repeat the above, except with Shield Breaker B. You cannot trigger an alternate ending to this scene.
Click right twice, then forward once, then right. Enter the forest, and the combination is this:
left, right (x3), left (x4), right, left, and right (x2).
You will die after the scene triggers automatically.
The Princesses:
Celestia: Become a Pegasus. Click right once, then click on the arrow pointing at the Castle. Click the left arrow, and continue going forward. Although you CAN sneak past all of the guards, it's a pointless effort and triggers no extra scene.
This will consume the daytime portion of your day.
In order to 'Get' Luna, it is advised you take the following actions:
Obtain the Ball/Ball Gift and DJ PON-3's key. Place the Ball Gift on the stairs, and keep the key. Go to the Library, and learn both spells. Following that, become a Unicorn.
Unlock Applejack, but click "No" when she asks if you're ready to go to the barn, and keep playing until you have 60 Bits. Go to Ponyville, buy and eat the Muffin, then buy the Train Ticket for later.
Go back to Applejack and trigger her scene, or go up twice and click on the Crusader's Clubhouse twice to get a More Bullshit Mode scene, then trigger it. It is now Night.
Go to Fluttershy and use the Method 2 to 'Get' her. Following that, return to Trixie and obtain the Transformation Book, then trigger her scene to enter Day 2.
Become a Pegasus. Go to Spike and give him the Train Ticket, then give Twilight the Book to unlock 6 scenes in More Bullshit Mode, under "Twilight's Experiments". Use your daytime hour to have sex with any pony, though go with Celestia if you aren't confident in your reflexes.
It is now Night. Go back to the Library and enter the window. This will trigger Twilight's scene, and proceed to Day 3.
Day: Stay as a Pegasus. Have sex with any pony you can during this time, either Derpy or DJ PONE-3, probably.
It is now Night.
Go back to the Castle, and click on the Right arrow. the platform should now be glowing: Click the moon symbol to meet Luna, who will compliment you on being 'quite skilled in fornication.'
Accept her duel, or not if you need a moment.
She will then give you Shield Breaker and Magic Attack C. Get ready.
In order to win, you need to keep your shield up as much as possible. You can click her attacks to make them disappear, as opposed to getting in little damage and die early.
Click her attacks to make them vanish, click yourself rapidly to put up a shield (you'll do this a lot), and click her to break part of her shield/do damage.
To win:
Get rid of the ring that will surround her after her 2 largest attacks. Do that quick enough, and you will get a hit or two in. Following that, do the same to her two 1 orb attacks, and keep shields up for the remainder. Repeat this process until her shield is broken, then until her health is depleted. Click twice, once for you and Luna, and her scene will trigger.
Following this, you'll have the best ending, provided you also placed the Bottle by Berry Punch's house.
You will have all available More Bullshit Mode scenes.
All information within this guide was tested and confirmed by myself, and a LOT of you guys in the comments of both BFEQD and this guide. So thank you all!
That's all. 1.5 is the final release for BFEQD. GG, @Pokehidden. GG.