First off let me say sorry for being gone so long and not keeping in contact with all of you wonderful furs and friends, but saddly I have somehow managed to hurt my self pretty bad. As of the moment my hip on the right side and lower back are both baddly hurt. The only way I can discrib it is how it was discribed to me. Every one whom I have talked to about this including my own mom who used to be a nurse tells me it sounds like I managed to dislocate one of the lower back disc's and it is pressing up hard agents the syadtic nerve causing it to pinch.
To those whom are going to ask if I gone to the doctor yet the answer is yes I have. They gave me some pain killers steroids and muscle relaxers and want me to go get an MRI done so they can see if it is what every one seems to think it is, but as normal we saddly can't do so at this time so I am pretty much stuck bedridden.
How ever as many of you know I am a hard headed baboon and I have not been staying in bed. I am still doing the cooking and cleaning and all of the other fun house hold chores because to me it dose not seem fair to make tay do them all and still go to work just because my back and hip are messed up.
But back to the point this is why I have not been on skype or any of my other messengers and so on so forth. How ever I will try to put skype back on my tablet. It's just if I do that then I can't do anything else while using skype. I yet to figure out how to get 2 program's running at the same time with out having to close one dose to use the other.
Well all in all that's about it for now.
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9 years, 8 months ago
22 Jul 2015 03:21 CEST