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Ideas for Cub Art?

Cub art is fun. I'm wondering what other cubby stuff I might draw. Do folks have any ideas, preferably naughty in nature? Let me know! Just please keep in mind...

I don't draw female cubs.
I don't draw cubs being raped or snuffed against their will.
I don't draw diapers or scat.

In relation to cub art, some of my favorite things are bondage, breathplay, willing snuff, and incest! Also, cubs capturing and/or domming adults is something I'd like to try at some point, so feel free to offer up scenarios.

Viewed: 126 times
Added: 9 years, 8 months ago
9 years, 8 months ago
Could you do him getting with his head in a plastic bag? You can make him more cubby (like 12) :3
9 years, 8 months ago
Any play around or in a treehouse (ropes hanging above/from the 'secret exit', incest in the treehouse while the parents call them  from below, etc)

I would suggest something at a lake/pool, but you already did a nice one alonge those lines XD
9 years, 8 months ago
A malecub, hands tied, hanging. He looks proud of himself. One parent is giving him a blowjob while he hangs. The other parent (or a voice from out of frame) encourages him: "Keep going son. Only 30 seconds more to set a new record." The cub has semen on his lips or dripping from a corner of his mouth.

If you have time for more figures, you could make it two or more cubs, and/or have others waiting their turn, maybe one jumping up and down, "Me next!"
9 years, 8 months ago
Cub domming adult: A RP that I'm in the process of converting to a story:

A fox takes his kit out to the shack where they like to "play". A puma is sitting in a chair, waiting. He's there to be snuffed. The kit ties him to the chair, puts a tie around his neck, and pulls it tight, then gives him a blowjob while strangling him to death. In the RP it's because he'd rather get a sexy snuff than get caught by the cops and get the lethal injection.
9 years, 8 months ago
hehe I got one for you, in relation to your last one, captured cups then restrained in thick metal restraints being tickled, teased, as they have a look of fear on there eyes, I have a vast experience in rps with that type of scenario ^^ and otehr things done againts the kidnapped cubs will.^^
9 years, 8 months ago
I've been meaning to write a story about a cub dom who snuffs large subby adults. I'm my case it would be a female, but male would work just as well. A small unassuming mouse cub with a vicious side. The adult would be tied spread eagle on a table/bench. First a solid whipping, then as finale a bag on his head while the cub straddled to ride him all the way to heaven... >:)
9 years, 8 months ago
Here's an idea, two cubs hanging after they bet eachother on who will last the longest, but the cubs forgot to have a way down from the noose so they accidently doomed themselves?
9 years, 8 months ago
XD I think I came up with an original one i'd rather have commisioned
9 years, 8 months ago
9 years, 8 months ago
maybe have 2 cuties playing hangmen with one of them actually noosed the other hand on the lever for the trap door

Have the noosed one blushing and hard to the point of leaking, being quite coy about finishing the word puzzle and saving his neck from the noose, obviously wanting it to taste his neck. The one at the lever grinning as he asks if he is sure about his last guess as the puzzle, Br_athL_ss reads the puzzle, the noosed boy nodding speaking some random letter to seal his fate
9 years, 8 months ago
I love that idea!
9 years, 8 months ago
X3 yeah I thought it was to good to not share
9 years, 8 months ago
Well, I hope you do commission it sometime!
9 years, 4 months ago
howabout fathers snuffing their own cubs after some sex and torture? fun for the entire family!
9 years, 3 months ago
One idea I had in mind was Kit cloud kicker tied up spread eagles in thick metal restraints with his arm tied up above his head and his spread apart as he's getting tickled inbetween his legs with a feather as he's screaming and begging for it to stop as his feet are also getting tickled by claws. ^_^
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