I am looking for anyone to do a non sexual role-play with
I am looking for anyone that is open for it, it would be fun almighty
I am trying to do a
Pokemon (Open for two more people)
Pokemorph style (1 or 2 people)
Metroid prime (open for multiple people)
COD (open for multiple people)
Kingdom hearts (open for preferably 1 or maybe 2 people)
Kamen Rider (For one or two people)
Super Sentai (Need a few people for this one)
Bleach (A few people, human or anthro)
Naruto (1 or 2 people preferred human)
Assassins Creed (1 or two people, Human or anthro)
Gears of War (Possible multiple people)
Middle Eastern setting style (A few people)
Super powered role-play group (3 or more people)
Fallout (1 or two people)
Halo (Possible multiple people)
Infamous (possible multiple people)
Portal (1 more possible person)
Half life themed (1 person)
Pirates of all kinds (multiple people)
Monster Hunter kind of roleplay (3 or less people)
Mecha (A few people if I can)
Star fox themed (4 people)
A form of survival horror (need multiple people and one GM)
Those are more the preferred ones I want though, just saying
We can do anything else though
If you’re interested either IM me or add me at
Skype: TerrusDaMutant
Yahoo: hutch_boi@yahoo.com
MSN: OMEGARIDER34@hotmail.com