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Farewell InkBunny

Hello everyone,

Most probably won't even read this, because this account has been so inactive for a long time.

For those who will read it, I have to say that, I'm leaving InkBunny. Over the last two years I barely logged in, posted art or even talked to you all.

I have so very little time, and the very little I have I can't even manage my Furaffinity account, my main account for posting art.

I came here because a friend told me to do so, if I wanted new people to commission me and such. But I never had the chance to do that neither. School, family, little works here and there, pending art...and more, prevented me to keep it up with InkBunny, or any other art sites like DeviantArt.

If you still wanna follow me and my art, please don't doubt to head back to http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jaleo/ and I'll be there, even if every now and then.

I understand this is also a place for the fans of Cub art, and I've never been. So this has never been the right place for me. I'll keep a few pics here but I've got rid of many of them already.

I might log in from time to time, I'm not deleting at all this account, but I won't be any active here. For that, I have my FA account.

Thanks to those who followed me here over the last two years, and I wish you all a lot of good luck on anything you take part of, a lot of health too, and why not, love, sex and money :P


Viewed: 247 times
Added: 9 years, 9 months ago
9 years, 9 months ago
And for those of us who have abandoned FA, where may we see your art?
9 years, 9 months ago
RC, sadly I cannot give you a satisfactory response to that :(  If I don't have the time for IB and DA, don't think I'd have time for other pages like, sofurry or weasyl or any others. The little time I have, I'll focus on FA. I don't even check it daily.
9 years, 5 months ago
This sucks. I actually forgot you left :(
9 years, 9 months ago
Inquiring minds want to know.
9 years, 9 months ago
I'll have to watch you on FA.
9 years, 9 months ago
Reyedog, I'm sorry if that becomes an inconvenience :( but I only have time for one site, when I don't even have time lol. I even have pending art to be done from the last two months...
9 years, 9 months ago
Oh it isn't any trouble..I forgot to watch you there awhile ago.. gave me an excuse to do so today.. *hugs* you got nice stuff so. of course I will follow. :)
9 years, 9 months ago
Thank you very much :)
9 years, 9 months ago
Awww, so sad to hear you leave :( well, take care. will still watch you on FA though im not a fan of that site myself.
9 years, 9 months ago
Sorry Mika :( Well, as long I'm there, you can still follow me, yes? :D as you have witnessed, I don't even have time to log in on Skype :(
9 years, 9 months ago
9 years, 9 months ago
When you change your opinion, or having more time,
you will be welcome here any time.
9 years, 9 months ago
Well, I'm not deleting this account, in case that happens again. Thank you Arikado.
9 years, 9 months ago
Alright, got it. Good luck in your life, then.
I'm gonna follow you at FA too! ^^
9 years, 9 months ago
Thank you Foxyxxx :) I'll see you there!
9 years, 9 months ago
Hope you return some day. Thanks for not deleting the account.
9 years, 9 months ago
Hence why I'm not deleting it :)
9 years, 9 months ago
yay ^_^ *waits*
9 years, 9 months ago
hmmpff :V
9 years, 9 months ago
Whut :P You follow me there more than here too so :P
9 years, 9 months ago
thats only because you are always at fa  .w. *steals you a kiss* <3 all your fault ^^
9 years, 9 months ago
Already watching you on FA, so... see ya there!
9 years, 9 months ago
Alright, thank you!
9 years, 9 months ago
Got you on FA anyway. I know the feeling, it takes 4 hours for me to format and post to all my sites.

9 years, 9 months ago
Thank you. You know then how it feels like. If I were full-time artist it wouldn't be an issue. But I don't make a living thanks to art.
9 years, 9 months ago
Do what's best for you.  That's how you gotta live, in the end.

9 years, 9 months ago
Well my dear friend Jaleo :| and :), I know that it's official that you're leaving me and all of us on Inkbunny as we speak but I do want to thank you for letting me watch you and friend you at least one way or another and I do want to wish you lots of luck to you in your own life and I do hope to see you again soon maybe in the near future if you do ever come back to Inkbunny to visit me and I do want to thank you for letting me look at your art and all and I do want to tell you that you've been a great and talented artist and I really liked, loved and enjoyed your art so much too X3 and :3. I will always remember you for what you did in the way of art and all Jaleo =3, but you will not be forgotten for sure and also I hope that you will not delete this account of yours since most of the members of Inkbunny that I'm still watching and friending say that you were deleting it since you say you're not going to for sure but all that matters is that your account under your name will remain as a landmark based monument for everyone else to visit and see and also act as a museum of your many talents as well too if it stays up for sure ^_^. Thanks for everything along with what you gave me and everyone else along with the many memories we had Jaleo :D and =D, take good care of yourself, lots of luck at FA, God bless you, I won't forget you and I'll see you soon when you visit all of us here on Inkbunny and maybe when I try to see you at FA real soon when I can :3 and ;3. God speed my friend, farewell and I'll truly miss you but will remember you in my own heart and dreams =3 and ;3. *Hugs.*.


P.S. Since you'll be leaving me and everyone on Inkbunny Jaleo X3, I might find someone to take your place along with taking over for you when I watch and friend him and/or her but I do want to say thanks again for everything =3 and ;3.
9 years, 9 months ago
Well, you're welcome, but it's me who has to thank to all those who gave me their support and enjoyed with my art too :) Thanks for the good wishes, I cannot say if I will come back or when, but if it happens, you all will know that. As for being forgotten or not, I know that one day all will forget me, thats how the internet works hehe :P

Take care of yourself as well, and as long as you all want to visit me on FA, I'll be thankful for that too. I might not be the active artist I was once, years ago, but I won't quit drawing just like that.
9 years, 9 months ago
Glad to hear about it Jaleo X3, as I now understand about what you had just said to me in your reply and all just now my dear friend and also I do want to thank you for the thanks you have given me for your support along with letting me enjoy your art and all as well too one way or another and I do promise to see you when I can on FA instead one way or another for sure real soon too :3 and =3. All that matters is that you'll be at FA instead as we speak Jaleo ^_^, and I won't forget you one way or another and I promise to see you when I can and also catch up with you at FA instead real soon too X3 and :3. Thanks for the reply and all since I really do appreciate it so much with an open heart Jaleo :D and =D, take good care of yourself, I'll do what you just said to me in your reply you had given me just now or so, I'll see you and your art and more on FA real soon and I'll see you at FA when I can sooner or later =3 and ;3. Peace to you Jaleo ^_^, and lots of luck to you at FA when I catch the next internet bus or train to see you at FA sooner or later :3 and ;3.

9 years, 9 months ago
Well I am watching you on FA even though I really wish you would stay. You know how I feel about FA.
Also the upload resolution there is shit.
9 years, 9 months ago
I know buddie, and I appreciate it. Also, as I said, I'm not removing this account. May one day come back. But not for now.

(As for resolution, I don't mind it much. I doubt that even a 0,5% of the people has a 4K monitor).
9 years, 9 months ago
Guess we can't follow you anymore.  FA's on the way out by express train.
9 years, 9 months ago
I'm sorry for that Axlegear. But atm I can only attend one site. Maybe one day I'll be back. Hence why I'm not deleting this account.
9 years, 9 months ago
Sorry to no longer see your art. Be well.
9 years, 9 months ago
I'm sorry for all the inactivity and having to leave this account unattended. But that's what my heart tells me to do so, for now. Thank you, and be well you too.
9 years, 9 months ago
9 years, 9 months ago
'Now, I don't know you personally, I've only watched your FA/IB and commissioned once. But I'm not fully convinced it's just lack of time that's keeping you away. From what I've been reading on your journals and everything, it's also largely a lack of motivation, and general depression that's keeping you from being active. You can bring up the "oh I actually really dislike cub art" thing, but that just seems like an additional excuse you're making for leaving IB.

No offense meant at all. I'm just a bit skeptic when it comes to "too busy" and "no time". Maybe you really are too busy working or whatever. That's fine, it happens. Anyway, good luck to ya. Unwatching, I suppose. Sad, cuz I do like your art. Oh well.'
9 years, 9 months ago
Dear Blancmark.

You might be a bit right there. As you might have read on FA, that's true that also lack of motivation and overdose of stress and depressions aren't helping, specialy when it comes to drawing. But lack of time is right now the main issue. Too much to do, school, work and family, and personal issues, that keeps me away from my hobbies, my personal time, my friends, etc. I everyday see how comments, faves, watches, notes, PMs, emails, requests, etc etc, pile up more and more, and I can never attend these. I log in to Skype once a month. I haven't switched on my PS3 for a year now (anyways I have no games so it makes no difference). When I get a day-off, I tell to myself to grab a pencil and draw, because of all the pending pics: but I can't find the mood to do so.

It's not I'm going to dissapear, or that people won't find my art anymore. I'll be on FA, that has been my main account for the last 7-8 years. I have time for only one site and that will be the one. I don't make a living thanks to art, like many other artists, who also share pics on other accounts, free or pay ones.

it is alright if you unwatch me here on IB, because at least for now, I won't be any active here. But you'll be able to still see my art on FA if you desire :)
9 years, 9 months ago
I'm glad to hear that you're still gonna keep working on your art even if you have to reduce the places you focus on placing and showing your art.

Maybe one day you'll have more free time to manage more than one place but I'll continue to enjoy your work on FurAffinity and make sure to visit your page more often.
9 years, 9 months ago
I'll keep working on art, or that's what Im gonna try. Anyways now I'll be forced to, for I had to open about 30 emergency slots and will be busy drawing more and more commissions, to pay medical bills.

Thanks for the good wishes!
4 years, 6 months ago
Personally I think you should come back and forget about FA. That site sucks and so does the people who run it.
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