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Me Me Journal Type Thing ^^

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MeMe Created by: stardustdragon258

Rules: Post these if you wish to tag anyone
1. You do not have to tag anyone unless you want to.
2. If you are tagged you only have to do this if you want to.
3. Please leave StardustDragon258 in the "MeMe created by" slot... I want to see how many people use this MeMe :) (Smile)
4. Choose one or more character
5. Have both your characters and you answer the questions!

Characters: Sticks (AKA Beyond, BTD, The Ferret etc etc)
1. Introduce Yourselves

Sticks: I'm Sticks...I think...That's what people call me now...Been called other stuff before.
Me: Hi, I'm me, people who know me know my name, if you don't you can maybe ask nicely.

2. What is your favorite food?

Sticks: Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!
Me: Hmm, dunno, anything that involves chicken is good...Or maybe a nice steak pie!

3. What is your favorite drink?

Sticks: Umm...Something cold and wet? And tasty?...Ooooh! Ice cream milk shake!
Me: Irn Bru or a milky, sweet cup of tea.

3. Do you have a favorite book?

Sticks: Ahh...I don't really read...
Me: Tough question, first one that comes to mind is Angry White Pyjamas by Robert Twigger.

4. Are you single or taken?

Sticks: Amma single ferret.
Me: Taken

5. What is your favorite thing or person?

Sticks: Umm...Whatever is in my bag, I put lots of cool stuff in my bag...Or maybe my weapons, they were presents.
Me: My mate...There are a couple of other very special people to me but he sits at the top.

6. What is your least favorite thing or person?

Sticks: Uhhh...I don't know...Bad ice cream? Blech!
Me: Screaming kids and the parents that refuse to have the common decency to to do anything about it.

7. Do you have a favorite animal?

Sticks: Anything I can play with!
Me: Ferrets, obviously. Although rats and other rodents are adorable too.

8. Do you have a favorite game?

Sticks: Any game that is fun!
Me: Hmm, kinda tricky. Of all time it's probably Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. I enjoy the Assassin's Creed series, the Souls games, I'm really loving Bloodborne right now.

9. What do you consider your greatest skill?

Sticks: Ferret stuff...Playing...Aikido
Me: My mate says being useless is my greatest skill

10. Ignore number 10!

Sticks: *Ferrets are bad at ignoring stuff...Sniffs and investigates number 10*

11. Say something to someone else in the MeMe!

Sticks: There's a thing over there!
Me: Sticks! Stop it Sticks! You're supposed to be leaving it alone!

12. Where is your favorite place to go?

Sticks: Around the edges of things
Me: Laying on the couch, next to my mate.

13. Do you have friends?

Sticks: I think I do, they gave me stuff.
Me: Most are work friends but I do have a couple of very, very special friends.

14. *Glares*

Sticks: *Hisses! Bites! Runs away!*
Me: Aye, alright, whatever.


Sticks: Dook!
Me: Dook!

16. Your obsession?

Sticks: Playing with stuff!
Me: Worrying about my mate.

17. What kind of question is number 17?

Sticks: *Stares...Wanders off...*
Me: A stupid one?

18. Free chat!

Sticks: Come play! Come play! Come play!
Me: *Grabs sticks and tickles his belly*
Sticks: *Wriggles and runs away...Then runs back*

19. Characters, Do you want to hurt your owner for making you do this? Owner, What do you think of your characters response?

Sticks: Nope, it was fun...Although wanna play something else now...
Me: Typical ferret response...

20. Characters what do you think of your owner? Owner, what do you think of your characters?

Sticks: He's fun...Needs to play more though.
Me: He's the me I want to be and wish I could be, I do love him to bits.

I tag anyone and everyone to do this for funs ^^
Viewed: 12 times
Added: 9 years, 10 months ago
9 years, 10 months ago
"6. What is your least favorite thing or person?

Me: Screaming kids and the parents that refuse to have the common decency to to do anything about it."

Good man, yoursel'. I hate them too ^^
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