Please read the whole thing, this is a well thought out post without any attacks, just simply stating the facts.
I don't like new things. I never have. I still play marios and metroids I always do, and I get scared to death of new people. Just who I am.
When I find a new artist, it's not because I was on FA at the time.. hell! If All I had was FA to go on.. A LOT of us will never have found any of the artists we find.
e621 is a image board, but for me, it's a search engine. If I find an image I like (instead of sifting through the garbage using a half broken search that's FAs) then I'm gonna visit that artist. Bringing them more views. Usually a lot more.
The popular belief that e621 doesn't link back is a fallacy, Any one who knows e621 will know that there is a very.. very valuable tool called "image source" Which is the big. BIG defining difference between what e621 does and fchan (which people seem to not have a problem with). Which, my friends, is publicly editable. So anyone can always link to an artist they like. Even the artists themselves.
Another misconception is that there is no DNP list. In fact there is, and if you ask nicely, you can be added on it. Now, if you do that. I'll never be able to find you,so will a lot of other people. So if your trying to go for sheer view numbers. Your shooting yourself in the foot right there. Back to the point, if you ask nicely (instead of fun threats with lawyers and cops and stuff) you'll get your wish, and all will be happy again, except your self imposed obscurity. And with what I've been told, Varka's gonna even make it easier to be obscure!
Now, it does have cub on it. but... now here it comes SO does FA. and it's even packaged nice and neat so you can't see it if you don't want to. Something FA won't let you do.
There is also rumors of pay for stuff on e621... which, there was, with permission. Anything not inside a strict set of rules with this stuff will be deleted when found. And that is that. There is no sexyfur EVER, no Jeremy Bernal EVER, and polite little Inuki even got her payfor art removed from the site with a simple request, (and a couple banned for causing her grief over it),
In fact, e621 is at a loss in terms of bandwidth and size. Every month the owners pay out of there own pockets for it. There is ad revenue, but it goes straight into paying to keep the site running. Yes servers were upgraded with donations and such, though nothing went back to arc, it all was to keep the site a float, nothing more.
Now a lot of us personally don't like FA. Even the staff admits the site is junk, and that's why a lot of us avoid it as possible. The site isn't meant as a place to steal art or views from anyone. As stated earlier, it in fact attracts views that would of never gotten to the artist in the first place. It's an image sharing board. It's a search engine. It's a benefit. Artists, don't buy the rumors. Don't hide your work from us outside of this place!
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14 years, 6 months ago
03 Sep 2010 23:14 CEST