I have been on this site for a long time and there are people who have come and gone. people I have made art for, gifts and commissions and stuff like that. They comment on my work a couple of times and then i never hear from them again. I neglect them for too long on instant messengers. I wish i could say hi to them more. but I'm always awkward about that. or they say hi, and I'm too busy to say Hi back. I have gained a few people who I consider good friends this way. some have even become more.
I want to know more about all of you. I am deeply curious about what you have to say about my art or me. I have made mistakes in my past that I am not proud of. In some ways I have changed, and in some ways i have stayed the same. I lose focus a lot and, other things get in my way. but I want to be somebody who is approachable. I want to be somebody you can talk to and not just be that guy who draws stuff, to be discarded when you're done with me. that hurts the most. I love it when you come back. I'm always happy to see new faces.
I have never been the popular kind. I rub people the wrong way. I piss people off. And it's hard for me to forgive when I am deeply wronged. But after all this time. I feel I know myself a little bit better than I used to.
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9 years, 11 months ago
29 Mar 2015 10:51 CEST