Happy 24th birthday Eclipsethefolf <X3 and <:3, and may your 24th birthday be full of so many surprises to expect and experience for yourself <:3 and <;3.
Happy 24th birthday *Eclipsethefolf* <X3 and <:3, and may your 24th birthday be full of so many sur
You are oh so truly welcome Eclipsethefolf X3 and :3, and here's your last minute/belated birthday gift from me as well while you enjoy it for yourself :3 and ;3. *Gives you lots and lots of happy birthday and friendly hugs =3 and ;3.*.
P.S. Sorry for the late reply and all Eclipsethefolf =3 and ;3.
You are oh so truly welcome *Eclipsethefolf* X3 and :3, and here's your last minute/belated birthda