At this current time, my life is too busy to do much in the way of commissions that were previous income.
I can take on new commissions and complete them IMMEDIATELY when I post something because I post when I actually have time and will set a one week hardline turnaround for any project and any project that exceeds that time without a proper check in/explanation will be immediately refunded (even explanations will not exceed two/three weeks as I will now ALWAYS keep a retainer amount in my paypal in case of refunds), but between the death of a parent, a legal war between my family members over inheritence, and specific roommate situations that are
causing the rent to the house to skyrocket for me and one other person while everyone else lives on OUR dime causing the both of us to work
ourselves into the ground, I don't have time for this website right now which is why I've disappeared since my grandmother/woman who raised me's death.
I do apologize for all of that, and for explaining it in such a blunt way, but I only get on websites occasionally to doodle to destress from all of this, or to just browse
anymore. If you'd please remind me how much your commissions were, I'm compiling a list via here and on IB/Artist Beware looking for people I owe old files to that
I either cannot find or did not complete, and will be attempting to straight up refund people when I have the extra cash. It may not happen all at once, it may
have to be split up into smaller more manageable 'payments' for larger amounts owed, but it's the only way I can clear out that que and start fresh at this point.
I have a court date to attend pertaining to the legal documentation/will of my grandmother on the 12th of February, so I'm currently trying to pay rent/save up for THAT
expense because it's out of state for me and a whopping 12 hour drive away, but after that I will immediately start issuing refunds. Again, I'm sorry to be so abrupt, but I'm just as stressed out about all of this as everyone else that's done dealing with it. I will NOT be accepting any more 'I don't want my money back I just want art', because I don't want to stress out about this que any longer and Im sure no one else does either.
I apologize for my abruptness, but it is in the spirit of being fair and blunt/honest about it because everyone involved is tired of excuses/trying to be polite about this obnoxiously long wait time that is
admittedly ENTIRELY my own fault. I'm to blame for all of this, and besides the loss of time and patience on many others parts, there will be NO loss of money because I never
intended to be a thief of any kind no matter what it looks like at this point. Let me know how much I owe you, and I will check in to pm you the earliest date I can refund you.
Thank you, and I sincerely hope without any sarcasm that you all are having a good day and a happy new year!
I've always felt bad how I handled this with everyone effected by this, and while I know a straight up refund won't satisfy the frustration you've had over this, that it at least proves I meant no malice or intentional deceit at any point in time.
As mentioned previously, all art will be leisure art or immediate commissions now. If I DO find old files, I will upload them on a third party image hosting site and email them to people, as I no longer want to put super old art in my gallery because it's obviously not indicative of my style anymore. I hope you all understand and respect my decision, and take it for the apologetic and long overdue professional restart button that it is.
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10 years, 1 month ago
24 Jan 2015 07:31 CET