I'd been kinda scarce this past week. Holiday times with the family, friends, and the dude have been occupying my free time, and work has been occupying everything else. I just got off an 8 day work week, had one day off for Christmas, and then had to go back to work some more. ._. Ah well, once Monday is done I will have vary scarce hours at my day job so it'll be time to throw myself into writing.
Upcoming projects!
Claves Holiday special. Like a chump I thought it'd be cool to try and do not one, but two holiday specials. I really wanted to do a Hyper-Active Imagination one because I already had an idea for what to do so I ended up burning that out real quick in one of my rare night offs, but so many people wanted some Claves stuff that I figured I'd try to do one of those too. Well, obviously I didn't finish it in time for Christmas. A lot of that was because I didn't have a good idea for a plot. I rigged up a plot that I thought would be fun, but then I just couldn't make it work. I ended up scrapping that outline and starting fresh. So expect that sometime this week.
December Patreon fic: This month is a bit of a break from the norm in that I am not gonna be doing a transformation fic. I'm gonna be doing a trans fic of another nature! One of the themes I had suggested to me was "cunt boy" which... I'm gonna be honest, I am not a fan of that term, but I love the idea of it. So what I did was instead of having a dude get transformed to have a vagina, I decided to have a dude who was born with one. This fic is kinda growing into something larger than intended, but I am not complaining. I wanted to do the character justice because trans people are awesome and deserve all the respect I can give em. For those curious, I have the first bit done already. [Dropbox link here] I'll work on finishing it after Claves since that's a tad more time sensitive.
Major commission series: Another reason I have been so scarce is I am working on a massive, multi-stage commission series. It's gonna be 4-5 parts by the time it is done, and I am maybe halfway done with it. I'll post all the chapters at the end once I have had a chance to give the commissioner a chance to sign off on the finished product.
Various other stuff: I have done a lot of outlining lately because I had been too tired to do some serious writing. Some of these outlines may actually get finished. There's one that I kind think could be fun that's a little bit of SPH and some dom/sub play that I started poking at a few weeks ago. If anyone wants to take a sneak peek at that there's small bit of it already done. [Dropbox link] It was done in one sitting so it's hella rough around the edges. I'll clean it up a lot before I post it officially. It'd probably be easy to finish it since it was never meant to be a very long or very in depths piece.
Oh yeah. I should mention that I do all my writing (unless it is a specific furry comm) as humans and then edit the character traits to be furry before I post it to FA/IB/etc. So that's why they are all humans in these early drafts.