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Merry Christmas!!

So if you have read my past journal http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6336217/ you'll know I don't really believe in Santa anymore..

So I was talking with a friend the other day and he was at the mall recently and there was a mall Santa there, so he happened to wander close by and he was caught standing by the doorway and the elf smiled and said to him. "Well don't just stand there gawking, Santa's waiting, go on in!" She then pushed him in and Santa smiled to him and patted his knee for him to sit on it. My friend could tell he wasn't padded, that his tummy and beard were real too. Now my friend is incontinent so he was padded at the time and Santa smiled to him and said "Kris, when we get done, you should change that diaper, I think it may be getting close to leaking." It had surprised my friend so much how this mall Santa could so easily tell he was padded and that he knew his name! He hadn't given Santa his name and didn't have anything on him where his name was visible!

So after asking what my friend wanted and giving him a toy, he sent him on his way. When he got home he told me the whole story, which I immediately went "Dawww" at lol. He then told me he's gonna go back tomorrow. So after some talking I told him three things I may want, sure they are impossible things but I figured it couldn't hurt right? I'd be happy if just one of them came true. So my friend comes back and writes me this long email on how it went, here is how it all went.

I walked over it was the same Santa as before (thankfully) so I sat on his knee and he asked me "oh back again I see well Kris what can I do for you this time?" "well see Santa, last night I talked to a friend of mine online, who wishes she could umm sit on your knee her self but she has to work today, umm so I told her id talk to you for her, her name is Shyanne and she's a very sweet girl, well she's a trans, so right now she's a boy that wants to be a girl." "hmm oh I see well what would she like from good ol' saint nick?" "well she has 3 things" "oh? okay what are they?" so I leaned in and whispered "1. she wants to be regressed like back to a 2 year old, I'm not fully sure why, I guess she made some bad choices and wishes she could start over and do things better" "oh don't we all" "yea so the second thing was to be turned into her fursona, she's a furry." "oh Santa gets lots of wishes from furrys every single year, tell me what short of exotic creature is she?" "well she's a hybrid, a centaur and fox, umm she's a fox with like centaurs lower half, not the horse bit but....she's a fox with a centaurs anatomy. and she wishes that she could be her fursona like for real, not like a fursuit, but for actual reals." "oh I see and what's the third one?" "the 3rd is that she wishes she was a fully legit girl, she's on hormones but wishes she was actually born one, is there any way you can help her out?"

To which Santa replied to him..

"Hmmm I don't know Kris, I mean for you, just, wishing that you could stop having flashback's of a bad history is one thing, (Something very few people know about) but she's asking for some pretty tall orders, but. ill see what I can do, I cant promise anything, but ill see if I cant maybe somehow make things a lil easier, maybe give her some better looking girl clothes for Christmas or something." "Oh Santa there's one more thing, and I'm throwing this in there on her behalf, she didn't talk it over with me, so she umm, she kinda wishes that she needed diapers, any way maybe that could happen?" My friend asked. "Hmm well tell you what, I want you to have your friend, to write me a letter asking for the normal stuff, like toys or books or clothes or something, and if she wants too, she can throw in her more desired things too, but what I want you too do, is tell her to talk to her parents, I'm assuming her job is very stressful, maybe the diapers could be her way of copping with the stress, tell her to maybe talk to her parents about maybe getting some for work related issues, maybe use them strictly for convenience . mm?" "Okay, thanks Santa." Kris said. "Oh your welcome. would you like another toy this time?" "Nah give them to some one who's had a bad day :)" "Ohh ho ho ho oh okay Kris. thanks for stopping bye."

So when he got back, he told me all what had happened. I nodded and wrote down a list, things i either couldn't ask my family for cause they didn't know I'm trans at the moment (girl clothes) and some toys and the like, along with er..wishing I could regress *blush*. I didn't know how to word it! I haven't written to Santa for years and years and it seemed greedy to only write what I wanted lol. I emailed it to my friend who said he would take it to him the next day. He wrote his own list and printed mine out. The next day he replies back to me and says.

"Santa was really busy today, there was a long line of people but I waited in line. When I got up to him, I told him here was my friend's letter that I told you about yesterday and mine. He smiled and nodded, giving me a candy cane. It was the same Santa but I couldn't talk to him a whole lot cause he was busy so I waved goodbye and left."

I thanked him alot for all his help. I don't know if you have all noticed but lately I've been feeling more babyish than normal, so this whole ordeal kind of rekindled my faith in him after the whole snafu from earlier (the link to my journal I listed earlier). *blushes* So I went out to buy some cookies (I know I shoulda baked em but no time..) to leave out for him this year, another thing I haven't done since I was little..er..lol. But my bf hears me saying they are for Santa and goes "I'm not gonna bite into them overnight to perpetuate the myth..then you'll know he doesn't exist or if he does, that he hasn't visited us, stop acting so childish.." He's such a grinch, I'm still mad at him..>.> *pouts* But now I know that he is real and that even if he doesn't eat my cookies that he'll still come.. :)

I still wish I could live with my online mommy so I can celebrate Christmas with my "real" family I love so much than my bio family..oh well.. v.v  I can't really complain, the last three Christmases have been rather bad for me, haven't had a steady job for the last two, and depression. So all things considered, I'm in a pretty good place this year. I'm on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and even told a few members of my family I'm trans. So ya this Christmas has been really good this year for once! :3

So from me and mister Grinch-bat over there, we both hope that you have a very wonderful and magical Christmas/holiday season and be safe and merry! May all your wishes come true on this joyous day and a happy new year to you all.
Viewed: 10 times
Added: 10 years, 3 months ago
10 years, 3 months ago
Merry christmas!^^
10 years, 3 months ago
to you to bud :)
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