For those of you not in the loop. HC SVNT DRACONES is a scifi tabletop RPG set 700 years in the future, long after the mass extinction event that drove humanity into extinction. It is unknown what caused their fate - war? Disease? The widespread consumption of pornography and homosexual tendencies the government desperately tried to warn us about? But all that is known is that they are gone, and all that remains are their creations.
One of these creations are the Vectors, a genetically engineered race of uplifted animals created on Mars during humanity's dying days. Using their progenitor's technology, the Vectors have spread out from Mars to colonise the entire Sol system, save one place; Earth-That-Was. Terra's surface is a blasted hell-scape, overrun by some nightmarish abomination of flesh teeth. This... thing is the dark side to the GM technology that created the Vectors, and it now occupies earth like a tumour in a corpse.
So, why do I bring this up? Because HSD's author just received a preliminary copy of the rule book, and as far as I can tell, things are looking pretty swell. Which means I'll soon have a copy of my own in my grubby little paws! The system looks super cool, using mechanics very similar to Spirit of the Century as far as I can tell, and I love the lore - and the character gen system. It's really cool to me the way they handle morphologies... it's entirely viable to play as an anthro, or a taur, or even an intelligent feral or a micro or a macro or whatever. Plus, who doesn't love a bit of Sci-Fi?