I am getting a two character commission with a background from kin-cishepholf and am looking for a second person to share it with. What it will cost you is $25. The idea for the commission is that a shaman [my character https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=708430 ] is tasked with the protection of the sacred grounds catches an interloper [your character] and decides to teach them a lesson. However, rather than just letting people volunteer their characters and willingness to pay, I am also creating a bid thread where you can bid to have me write a story to accompany the picture. If no one bids, then the selection of the second slot will revert to a Random Number Generator to select who takes the slot.
Bidding starts at $30 ($25 base pic plus $5 for a minimum 500 word story)
Even if you don't want to bid but do want a chance to be in the pic, comment in response to the RNG comment where the selection will default to if no one bids