So I realize I've never done a journal before, and it really isn't a good idea to start off with something negative, but fuck it. No one is going to read this anyways. lol.
Yesterday, I decided to tell the members of the GSA(Gay Straight Alliance) of which I am a part of that I'm actually not cis, and that I'm andro (androgynous). I also explained to them that I wasn't born with normal sex chromosomes for a male and was born with an extra X chromosome, so in other words I have Klinefelter syndrome and am not fully male. I then told them how I was okay with being referred to with both male and female pronouns.
After I did this, everyone clapped and said "Go Colton!", the usual kind and supportive stuff, however the Vice president of the GSA (a female to male transgender otherkin tumblrkin polyromantic heterosexual techkin) immediately came up in front of everyone and informed them that my use of the phrase "male and female pronouns" was offensive and that I should have said "he pronouns" and "she pronouns". I actually felt very sad after he said this just to one-up me.
Seriously, after someone comes out, you don't just tell everyone that a phrase they used was "offensive". I'm honestly really sick of this guy, he has been doing things like this to me and everyone around him since the beginning of the year. At first he was just boring, turning entire meetings into lectures about what pronouns to use, when we could have gone over that in only five to ten minutes. Then he just turned into an ass when he talked about what a makes a good straight/cis ally, and eventually turned it into a thing about how non-queer people aren't allowed to have an opinion on anything and that their input is invalid(Gay-Straight Alliance amirite?). Fortunately when that happened, the sponsor of the club told our awesome president not to let him do something like that again; so fortunately he won't be giving a lecture about checking your privilege or some shit like that.
If he does something like this again, I'm going to call him out on it, and I don't give a damn if "shit" is a pronoun he doesn't want to be referred to.
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10 years, 5 months ago
25 Oct 2014 01:31 CEST