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The Evil Within

So...up front, as a sort of disclaimer; as pretty much any friend of mine can tell you, I'm not really effected by horror in any normal or appreciable sense, so I can't really speak on whether it is "scary" or not. That said...

...the fuck are people on about? I keep reading these reviews and commentaries on the game, and find myself utterly bemused how the person arrived at their opinion/conclusion.

"The graphics look dated and poor" ... compared to WHAT? Silent Hills PT Demo? Metal Gear Solid 5? Games made with much larger budgets designed for the soul purpose of pushing next gen consoles off the shelves? Fuck off. The game looks perfectly damn fine. And there are plenty of games that do, legitimately, look like shit, that are still better than half the shiney overly brown crap the industry bucket-dumps on us year-round, besides.

"It's not a real survival horror". It couldn't be any more true survival horror if Shinji Mikami came around to your fucking house and held a gun to your head primed to fire if you died in the game. I keep seeing people compare it to Amnesia...are you fucking kidding me? Amnesia isn't survival horror. Even the fucking developer doesn't claim it is, quite correctly.

"It's unfair" / "Cheap insta-deaths". Read my lips (..text): SURVIVAL. HORROR. Did people just fucking forget the Piano room from RE1 when I wasn't looking? It's part of the formula people.

"It's not original or innovative" .... sorry. What is? What the fuck game made in the last 20 fucking years is genuinely original? Oh I'm sure you could rattle off a few names. And I bet if you actually bothered to fucking do a little research, you'll discover a game using the same idea, concept, principles etc was, in fact, done before, or at least something similar. Originality is a gamble. You can be one of those idiots who believes it is always good. But the truth is originality can just as easily produce a boring or shit game, as it can a good one. Shattered Memories was "original", for Silent Hill. It was still a terrible fucking mistake.

"It's hard to understand". Good. Pay attention. Use your fucking brain. If all else fails, ask a friend who did understand it to explain it to you.

"It's locked at 30fps and the aspect ratio is terrible!!!11". No shit. It's called a mistake. Developers make them. Bethesda is very fucking good at making them. They realized their mistake within a fucking hour of releasing the game and within a day or two had confirmed they will fix it with the first deployment patch. In the meantime, you can fix it with console commands. It takes three seconds. Get over it.

"The chapters are too short!". The game takes a minimum of five hours to finish on a NG+ with full upgrades and comprehensive practise. That's about normal for a game these days. It's a survival horror game, not Skyrim. At least it's not padded out to fuck pointlessly using bad pacing and repetition. Hell, Skyrim isn't actually very long if you ONLY do what's absolutely necessary to finish the main quest chain.

What really gets me about this, and the reason I'm even bothering to post this little rant about it despite the fact it doesn't make a lick of difference and it's the first thing of any sort I've posted in ages, is that I actually have what you could rightfully call "unfair" standards for games (from a developers perspective); I don't care for flashy graphics, I'm not interested in gameplay gimmicks, I'm dubious of anything that claims to be or is described as "original" or "innovative", and I'm not sold by the wow/celebrity factor of having Kojima attached to the game.

Phantom Pain looks nice, but I have serious doubts it'll actually be any good as a METAL GEAR game specifically. Silent Hills couldn't interest me any less if they actually tried to make it less interesting to me specifically at this point. I don't give two shits about Destiny, beyond laughing at how awful it is. I've written off Borderlands as having not just "lost the magic" but gone full tard and sold out to the mainstream line at this point. I don't fucking care about Archage, or whatever it's called. XIV, Wildstar, Warlords of Recycling, FF13 Versus or whatever it's called now (Final Vaporware more like)...I just don't care. Not interested.

From the moment I first discovered the existence of The Evil Within last year, right up to its release, I was looking forward to it with great interest. And I was not disappointed. That's practically a fucking achievement when I'm concerned. Seeing people piss on about shit that isn't true, or is so fucking trivial, just reaffirms my belief that it's not the game industry at fault...it's the fucking consumers. Buying shit, even when they acknowledge it's shit, thereby enabling EA (ostensibly, but also others) to continue making shit, underrating games on baseless, trivial, or stupid points, overrating games because some supposedly noteworthy individual told them it was the cool thing to do.

I'm amazed Mikami even fucking bothered to attempt making a new game in this state of affairs.
Viewed: 13 times
Added: 10 years, 4 months ago
10 years, 4 months ago
the people saying this are spoiled. they think everything must look AAA to be good.
or that thsre needs to be a handholding button or has to be amnesia. people should
be rating it on their own merits
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