...was so awesome! Most of the old gang of us got together for the first time in over 3 years, it was great to just hang out like the old days.
The best parts of the night were my sister Gemma getting totally drunk, despite saying she wasn't going to even get tipsy, her explanation of child birth in detail was pure comedy, and thinking that her cousin on the phone was a chinese takeaway was brilliant.
Playing cards against humanity for the first time had me laughing uncontrollably, played it for nearly 3 hours until 2am sat on the kitchen floor with 5 others, I swear though my legs got numb.
After that, those who were still awake just chatted in the kitchen while watching two on helium balloons, then breaking 2 normal balloons by "thrusting" at each other XD
Around 4:30am ish, I was laying on the not so comfy sofa whilst laughing and talking with my friend Natalie, ended up like that until 7am with her then we ended up making coffee and such, as we both hit the point where you end up too tired to actually fall asleep. Though I did manage to have a nap this afternoon which helped, and I know I'll be sleeping well tonight ^^
Oh, and one more thing, I'm currently loving Theatrhythym Final Fantasy Curtain Call, it's so addictive, I'm constantly having to charge my 3DS since getting it.
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10 years, 5 months ago
19 Oct 2014 22:55 CEST