I wont be accessing this site (regularly as I would do :| ) for two weeks due to Year 12 Study Break (aka Holidays) to preparation of Exam.
and tons of school homework assignment.
(English - Do MIN 4 essays, Encountering Conflict (Conflict stems from fear), Text Response (Cloudstreet and Stasiland) and Language Analysis)
Media - Just 2012 Exam and recap of CAMELS (Camera, Acting, Mise-En-Scene, Editing, Lighting, and Sound) and Production Elements (Point of View, ))
Information Technology Applications (Software Development) - IT 2013? Exam
Visual Communication Design (Pitch of my Techno-Bar Logo Design) (eg selling my product to the 'buyer' aka my teacher)
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10 years, 5 months ago
19 Sep 2014 09:08 CEST