everyone please watch this and learn hoe important a foreskin is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkBsrBHpbDs&hd=1 if your expecting a boy don't circumcise him, and if you know a family member or a close friend who's expecting a baby boy please show them this video and try to help them make a better choice for their son. religion is the worst possible reason to cut him cause you are using a fable as an excuse to mutilate your child. do not circ him so he will "look like dad" cause if dads cut then he's lost a lot in intimacy too.
3 months ago I learned my younger brother was gonna have a baby boy, I immediately sat down with him and explained to him that circumcising is wrong, I showed him and his wife the medical videos and they immediately decided that their son deserved to grow up whole as he is supposed too.
and for those who are cut, its not neccicarily all lost, you can do foreskin restoration at home to regrow a facscimmily of a foreskin, a lot of damage that was done when you were cut is permanent. thousands of nerves and vital cells are gone, but you can grow enough foreskin back that it will act and function almost the exact same as your natural foreskin.
if you want to know more about restoring please message or note me, I have been restoring for almost a year and it has made my life better for me and my emotional state.
so please if your cut and understand that foreskins important, or if your intact and you think that other men are suffering too much by being cut please post your own journal about trying to end circumcising.