I am DangerousRadical on DevART and LadyStarfleet on FurAffinity.
Hold your horses, I'm not an imposter <3
...and also...so much for saying I'll only have one online gallery [/FAIL]
Joined up here to keep an eye out for other artists, especially since DA appears to be breeding identity theft like wild stags in rutting season. It's unbelievable the lengths some people go trying to make out they drew something that is beyond any level of skill they'll ever possess in their lifetime >_>;
But I digress.
I'm also here because friends from DA/FA have migrated here and I figure it's more than pertinent a move that I tag along to see what it's like. I'm already vastly in love with the various gallery skins, the swift, uninterrupted-by-outside-means uploading process, the veritable extension of allowed characters in journals and descriptions, and the generally positive attitude that radiates off this site so far.
I did intend to lurk as much as possible, maybe fave and run as is my custom on FA, but it seems like I enjoy it enough to stay.
So here I am, folks *waves*
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13 years, 7 months ago
05 Aug 2011 15:40 CEST