And all the years that I have improved. I'm only noticed by the old people that have watched me over the years. Sure, I'll get people from time to time. But its usually every 6 months to a year. Perhaps, my content has gotten stale. And that I'm not good enough to be noticed. Maybe I'm done. Perhaps I should move on and maybe not continue. Hell, my own husband never comments on my artwork. Sure he and I live together but it would be nice to see a comment on my picture instead of letting him see first hand before upload. I may get comments from others that know me. But as years goes on, I get 1 or no comments at all. I feel that I'm just uploading my artwork and comics as storage. If so, than I should have all my artwork stored on mediafire so I can only view them for nostalgic purpose and to see how much I've improved over the years.
I won't go by,' MidnightPrime' anymore. Why? Because I want to be alone and do these artwork for myself. If I get discovered than it should be for my artwork and that they want more from me. But right now, I'm not sure anymore. I swear if I get more comments on this journal than I do on my artwork, than it only proves my point. Which is, that you only comment when something goes wrong or you just don't want to because its unnecessary. Hell, I even state from time to time that I want criticism because I feel that my shading looks wierd and that my hands look kinda funny. Give me tips so I can learn as I do this. I get one or two and I follow through. And when I do draw and upload, I get nothing. I get one praise but no critique. I'm not those sonic recolor faggots that ask for criticism and than bitch about it because your being blunt and honest with it. I'm not like that at all. I welcome it with open arms. Without it I feel that I'm doing nothing but storing pictures on this website or any website of the matter.
I just feel that I'm wasting my time. I will keep this account open but don't expect me to upload anything from here on out. I'll be storing my artwork under a different name so I won't have to please anyone but myself. The only critic that would critique is myself.
Plus, I'm only on here to watch people artwork because of stupid people on FA being horny bitch ass mother fucker that don't appreciate the story.