My brain is weird so no one hate me for this,
I had a strange thought
do you think the Fallout universe could be the precursor to The war hammer 40K universe...
Like I said my brain is a weird place but it kinda makes sense. They do both have that constant war theme going for them. The FEV that makes the super mutants being the precursor to the gene mods that lead to the astartes. The Brotherhood already has primitive power armor, as well as primitive las and plasma weapons, and Chainswords, and thunder hammers in the forms of Rippers and super sledges.
We know that there are aliens interacting with earth in fallout several different types have been spotted, and there are even supernatural events that can be linked to several strange encounters not the least of which is in the dunwhich building in fallout 3.
Ghouls might be under the influence of warp taint, not to mention the other horrors that wander the wastes. simple radiation can't account for fire breathing giant geckos, deathclaws, and other monsters. Heck maybe FEV was a genetic experiment derived from ork genes? That might explain the blood lust, green skin, Why males and females look alike, the sterility, the fact that the more they fight the bigger they get (abominations).
Maybe some where in the irradiated wastlands in a vault some where the immortal emperor of earth is waiting. Heck Maybe he was behind the Legion in new vegas, or could he be pulling strings in the ncr, Or maybe hes one of the secret elders in the brother hood of steel
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10 years, 9 months ago
24 May 2014 06:53 CEST