Hey furries.
This year's July 20th is a significant one for me. At approximately 8:15 AM July 20, 1996 (UTC-7) I discovered the furry fandom. Unless my math is horribly wrong, I've been in this mess for fifteen years. I'm 30 years old, so I've officially been a furry for roughly half my life.
(Pause for reflection..) Whoa.
I found Furry and I'd like to think I'm better for it. I honestly think the fandom has saved my life at least once if not more. Those friends I have kept through the best and worst of times have all been furry and are all still my closest companions. I live with great furry people and I have a wonderful furry mate of 7 long years (love you!). All the people I look to first when I need advice, comfort, a shoulder to lean on - are furries.
I wouldn't give it back for anything.
And to my watchers, your support, your favs, your humor, and your commiseration mean a whole lot.
Thanks guys, you keep me going.
Here's hoping this stupid fandom lasts another 15 years.
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13 years, 8 months ago
20 Jul 2011 17:15 CEST