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Update Time! ^.~

Well let's see, so much has been going on since the last post I made, so bare with me and we'll get through this ^.^

*Life sux for everybody!

I have been gone due to a lot of hardships that I certainly don;t want to bore anyone with.  Most of y'all already know my computer uped and died, so I am still scrambling to replace it with no money, plus I am going to be trying in the next few months to figure out an emergency move due to volatile roommate situations.  So of course I have been unable to keep you guys updated and for that I am truly sorry.


I have been pumping art out like crazy and have had the chance to get many personal projects done such as a new tattoo design. So there will be a large and upcoming art dump with lots to see! I will be releasing this slowly over time so to give you guys a reason to keep checking back for something new! ^.^ This will have many things, including commissions, personal projects, and even music! Yep, Katsune has her own theme song now! So expect that in the next whatever..

*Art Contest

Part of the art dump will be an art contest that I will be hosting! So for all you colorists out there, this is for you! I have some lineart that I had commissioned awhile back and when I make the dump, I will dump this too. I will of course post an official journal with the link, rules and a deadline and the best looking pic will win a free commission from me of up to 3 characters! It will just be hosted on FA since most of my activity is there, and rules and pic to download will be there! So look out for that, and come on and join in!

*Possible Involvement in Web Cartoon

So there was a posting for an artist needed to work with a start up web animation company who wanted sketches and initial art to make it all happen! It would only be sketch work which is really not bad actually, but it would be through the duration of the project however long that will be, so I maybe drawing hundreds of sketches. lol Either way it's being run as a contest in itself where they will be choosing 2 artists and the decision will be made on march 20th, so keeping my paws crossed! The submission guidelines were "examples of your work and artistic style, that convey an adorable feral fennec fox (non-anthropomorphic) that has an innocent and unsuspecting demeanor as a pretense for the crazy obsessive havocs it desires to wreak." So I will post the sketch that I submitted for y'all to see based off those guidelines!

*Last Call

There will be a last call for my cheap prices as it's time to start charging again, what the industry demands. For those of you who are not familiar, the average price for a basic sketch is about $25 and for one of my Full page, up to 2 character, colored pencil commissions which I am currently only charging $25 for is normally about $45 + $10 for second character and the prices go up from there. That's average in the industry but I like to make things affordable for everybody cuz hey! We're all broke! ^.^ So what does this mean for you? Effectively this is a last call for my cheap prices! It should run about a month after the art dump but I will post when it is officially over. Now my cheap prices effect ALL my tiers! Icons are like $5, sketches $10, Line art $15, 1 character traditional medium (i.e. colored pencil or marker) $20, 1 character CG $30, Add-a-Character +$5, Extra Complexity (i.e. detailed backgrounds, complex objects, etc..) +$10 So this is a great opportunity to get what you want cheaply!

*Etsy Activity

I haven't posted any new designs or jewelry on etsy as product hasn't really been moving and I am not sure why other than the obvious, We is all broke! So what I am gonna do for now is if anyone can think of a reason they aren't selling, other than the obvious of course, or if you have a suggestion, or even an idea for a new design, then drop me a line and I will give you a discount on any item at etsy! This way I am moving some product and getting ready to put more stuff out!  If you haven't seen it already check it out at http://www.etsy.com/shop/BlackMagickFox

*Sleeping With a Succubus

I am also looking into getting some new premium products designed and printed for everybody's enjoyment. They are two very cute and sexy items and samples of what I mean can be found at... http://furrydakimakura.gostorego.com/ They are ready to partner with me so that I can design and they can produce both dakamaura's and mouse pads of everybody's favorite succubus Katsune! The problem with that of course is always money. These things aren't cheap to produce and so I need to find out if there is really a market for them. So comment or again drop me an email and let me know if you'd be interested in getting one of these!

*And now it's time to say goodbye to all our fam-i-ly.......

I can't think of anything else to tell other than for all those who aren't already aware, due to current situations and lack of monies, we are forced to move. Sad but true. I would say any donations are greatly appreciated, but you already know that, what you may not know is that even if you are like us and barely hanging on, you can always tell your co-workers, your friends, your family, wait a minute, scratch that, you may not wanna tell your family. lol Anyway, let everybody know about my huge load of awesomeness and my talent that knows no bounds! (lol y'all know me and know my ego is SOOOO not that big, but I am being told I should stop being so sweet, loving and selling myself short *shrugs*)

Love You ALL!
Katsune Chordeva
Chief Vixen
Black Magick Fox Arts
Viewed: 2 times
Added: 11 years ago
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