So, what happens when a pretty object gets your attention, and you can't afford it? Whine, of course! Whine enough and someone will shell out a chunk of change to make you happy. I'm in pure shock of witnessing this over on another art site. One female artist/watcher ends up giving us a "boo hoo" story of how she loves the character up for auction, then laments she can't afford or get it. Would you believe she had to make announce this travesty in a journal? Yes, you would believe it, because some idiot bought into her cries, forked over a good hunk of money, and gave her the lovely in question.
The money, I am certain, will benefit the person selling the character and usher in a better life for the time being...But I am shaking my head at the utter stupidness of the situation. I thought that once we reach adulthood we stop acting like children and get ready to be mature, be responsible, and act with dignity...Nope, that is saved for the truly intelligent among us. I suppose shortly I will see the rest of the bleating lambs who watch her whimper for a shiny just like her. And that a less than wise moron will don his white armor, mount his mighty steed, then buy into the idiocy like before. Folks, a sociology and/or psychology major would have a field day with you. Feeding into the whole childish behavior only reaffirms my suspicions. Buying goodies for strangers may get you a good feeling, but they create problems...Not solve them.
If the person asked for money to get medicine, food, or help a loved one out then I can get behind that. But to outright give into a prissy female's wants, for no more than "I WANT IT!" that isn't conducive behavior. People are allowed to spend their money as they wish, but this was by far THE most shallow courses to take. To the person who bought the character, are you that desperate to show off the polish on that suit of armor. Or did you decide this tantrum was worth saving? For the female who whined just get over yourself. I want a million dollars but even I know where my realistic expectations must lie, so do the same!
To quote Arnold from Kindergarten Cop: "Stop whining!"
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11 years, 1 month ago
09 Feb 2014 07:28 CET