This is for those who are interested in RPing with Ponies. Basically for my fellow bronies and pegasisters.
Frost Bite
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Alicorn
Cutie Mark: 3 Hailstones
Occupation: Slushie Stand Operator / Lavious Kingdom Advisor
Hometown: The Far North
Ability: Freezing water, cause snow storms, or create snow using magic
Alliance: Good
High Score
Age: 436
Gender: Male
Species: Alicorn
Cutie Mark: Cube with notes on it
Occupation: King of the Lavious Kingdom
Hometown: Lavious Kingdom
Ability: Create objects or warp reality (not as strong or as dangerous as Discord)
Alliance: Good
Orbit Star
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Pegasus
Cutie Mark: Shooting star
Occupation: Storm operator / Racer
Hometown: Fillydelphia
Ability: Intense speed and performing a move known by him as Shooting Star
Alliance: Good
Twinkle Star
Age: 7
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Cutie Mark: None (Would be a star with glitter around it)
Occupation: Student
Hometown: Fillydelphia
Ability: Undiscovered
Alliance: Neutral / Good
Age: 973
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon-Alicorn hybrid
Cutie Mark: None
Occupation: King of the "Demonics"
Hometown: Unknown (raised in an orphanage)
Ability: Dark magic and able to cause nightmares
Alliance: Evil
Age: 1000+
Gender: Male
Species: Alicorn (originally Pegasus)
Cutie Mark: None (originally a winged flames)
Occupation: Unknown
Hometown: Cloudsdale
Ability: Dark magic, magic absorption, super strength, and able to utilize magic with the Alicorn Amulet
Alliance: Evil
Age: Unknown (a few months possibly, but looks around Twilight's age)
Gender: Female
Species: Artificially created Alicorn
Cutie Mark: Moon shrouded by dark clouds
Occupation: Unknown
Hometown: Unknown
Ability: Dark magic, magic absorption, advanced magic, and able to utilize magic with the Alicorn Amulet
Alliance: Evil
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11 years, 4 months ago
02 Nov 2013 16:57 CET