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The Zombie Apocalypse Cometh Forth

Anyone whose followed my journals or been in my livestreams for long knows I believe a real zombie apocalypse is inevitable


no seriously

I dont mean the undead however.  There are a number of scenarios that could shut down the transport systems of the US (and probably the EU too) where food could no longer be shipped

such as:
1. massive solar flare and/or an enemy launching a nuke above us to do a huge EMP over us knocking out all power and vehicles
2. crash of the dollar
3. civil war
4. plague

Food would be gone in a day from grocery stores (after riots clearing them out) and most people do not have more than a few days of food at home...so in big cities you have millions starving in a week

the natural tendency to survive means cannibalism.  They used to eat their horses first in the past, but we no longer have such creatures, so bye bye fido and kitty...then your neighbor...and you literally start having zombie hoards in cities

but a new twist

a russian drug has made its way to Amerika now called krokodile

its extremely cheap and massively addictive..more than heroin as withdrawal symptoms last a month rather than a week.  Its name comes from it making the injection site scaley looking.  It also rots the flesh from the inside out, destroying muscle tissue and skin  (people hooked have a life expectancy of 2-3 yrs)  so hoards of people addicted to this wanting foodz hehehe

or their next fix......"krokodilezzzzzzzzz!"


happy halloween
Viewed: 54 times
Added: 10 years, 7 months ago
10 years, 7 months ago
"...a russian drug has made its way to Amerika now called krokodile."

It's actual name is Desomorphine.
We patented it in 1932.  :D

10 years, 7 months ago
The desomorphine isnt what causes the awful side effects, its the unfiltered remnants of the ingredients(lighter fluid, gasoline, etc) that causes the necrosis.
10 years, 7 months ago
That may be, but a drug that has only a 2 hour high, that takes half an hour to cook and is as addictive as heron is bad enough on it's own. It's just making news in the states now because it's been found (allegedly) in Arizona and it's got such horror film side effects. If it spreads with any speed at all we're fucked.
10 years, 7 months ago
Idon't think so. The life expectancy for these dregs is less than 3 years so it may be a kind of self-imposed culling of the addicts of America.  
10 years, 7 months ago
Then in this case it guess it's for the best. For once these addicts are better off dead.
10 years, 7 months ago
do u have zombies there yet?
10 years, 7 months ago
Well if you look at Obama's checklist and compare it with past socialist's checklist like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin etc. Then you'd be more apt to say that it's civil war. Eventually the world will wake up, I know that's extremely optimistic, to the left wing extremists' world wide slavery and subjucation of mankind and realize the lefts policies of hate, racism, sexism, class warfare, etc. One day people will wake up and the real fight will begin. I just hope the zombies actually dissarm themselves like they think society should be. Then only people that can think for themselves will have the necessary tools to stop the inhuman elitist.
10 years, 7 months ago
I hope your joking.
10 years, 7 months ago
eh would explain why the government is buying 10 bullets for every american  for IRS, DHS, and other agenies and training them all in firearms, to be delivered/done training all byt Oct 1st...I have a list of ike 20 such gov deadlines including training of UN troops all by oct 1st on my page:  http://yiffox.com/speculations/

the one you may have actually noticed is testing of emergency broadcast system nation wide sept 25th to oct 2, where they can shut down all tv and radio if they flick a switch  yay?
10 years, 7 months ago
Unfortunately no. But I don't expect anyone to believe reality, history, or logic anymore either. Especially after talking to people and hearing so many people are seriously against actuall equality under the law, just take a look at obama care. Dems refuse to apply it to all Americans equally. The rich pay for it or get around it and the poor get most if not all subsidised while the middle class gets most heavily burdened. All the while massive quantitative easings devalue the dollar, low interest rates prevent savings from gaining value, and all the while the lefts regulations on everything combined with the anti-energy independance policies are increasing cost of everything. Basically the rich stay rich, the poor stay poor, and the middle class BECOMES poor. All to the benefit of the socialist utopian elite called the Demicans and Republicrats.
10 years, 7 months ago
no no no....obamacare is not a fleecing of the rich., its a fleecing of the poor.

You are mandated to pay some $300 a month per person.  Last top of the line insurance I paid was around $160 in 2007.  $300 then would have covered a family of 7.  So you must pay this month by month to the financial sector.  No poor person could afford that. The so called rebates arent rebates, but tax credit, so after a year of paying you get money back.  This money is of course borrowed from china that future generations have to pay back.....those that cant afford it, get penalties up to $3000 or so for a family...this means all tax rebates they used to get are wiped out., so even the poor may end up owing money to the IRS.

If you make no money in a year, you now owe the IRS $95 and can go to prison for not being able to pay.  so no healthcare and debtors prisons....yay...cuz this isnt about healthcare, its about mandating insurance.  lets feed the financial sector more fleecing of americans before they bankrupt everyone....yay?
10 years, 7 months ago
Well remember it's actually unconstitutional. Govt. can't constitutionally make you do anything, fundamentally. And it was unconstitutional for the supreme court to rewrite the bill as a tax. Also if it is a tax, what are they taxing you on? If you don't use health care how can they tax you for it?
10 years, 7 months ago
of course its unconstitutional...this basically means they can make you do anything...its also illegal as the admin is rewriting it still, like 4 times....so the supreme court failed in its (self appointed) job...no where are they given the power to be the final judge on the law, the people are that.

so what should people do?  refuse to pay the unconstitutional tax?
10 years, 7 months ago
wont last more then a few days
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