First off, I would like to thank everyone who has sent me a friend request. Secondly, I would like to apologize to said people for leaving them all unanswered. I truly appreciate everyone who wishes to be my friend. And if the Friend system merely bestowed the title of "friend", I would happily accept them all. However, InkBunny's Friend system is intended to allow for the sharing of private content; and that necessitates a bit more discretion.
Now, I don't post a lot of private content. Only the occasional work-in-progress picture gets posted so that I can get feedback as I'm working on it. I do not post any type of special, friends-only pictures that anyone else might desire to see. As such, my friends list remains limited to artists whom I have collaborated with in the past and my longtime personal friends. These are people whom I know and trust to not only give me useful tips and constructive criticisms, but to also not take my unfinished artwork and distribute it across the web.
So, in summary, if you have sent me a friend request and had it ignored, know that it is not because I do not like you or that I am otherwise being rude. It is simply because I use the Private Content Sharing as a tool to further my artwork and, therefore, restrict it from public access.
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13 years, 9 months ago
25 May 2011 07:03 CEST