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Flabbriel dreamblubber by Milkmaiden
Flabbriel dreamblubber
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Flabbriel dreamblubber by Milkmaiden
Flabbriel dreamblubber
Bowza Junior by ToonTwister3D
Bowza Junior
Eat And sleep by nosferatu16
Eat And sleep
Growing big boy by WolfgerLynel
Growing big boy
Tube Feeding by nosferatu16
Tube Feeding
(COM) 2 Bears in a Bed <3 by ToonTwister3D
(COM) 2 Bears in a Bed <3
Samantha by Mousepotato0317
" Tabitha is a girl that's hard to miss - mostly due to how much space she takes up. For a girl of her young age, she is remarkably heavy, far more than even seems possible. Rolls of light tan pour down her sides, pock-marked with black spots. Those spots also cover her enormous midsection that carries the bulk of her weight. She's wider than she is tall, her whole frame wobbling heavily as she waddles. Long, amber locks trail down from her head, pooling across her shoulders or her upper body. She waves a tubby arm in greeting with youthful exuberance.

"Hi, I'm Tabitha! And I'm gonna be the biggest, fattest, widest, most enormous person ever!"

She says this with the same level of youthful enthusiasm that other kids describe being a firefighter or astronaut. Based on that gusto she shows, and her jaw-dropping size, it's easy to believe she'll get there one day.

This profile is mostly interested in young characters who are extraordinarily massive, beyond what is normal or even seemingly possible for their age. Fat and weight gain among cubs is the primary interest, but hyper cubs of many varieties are also enjoyed. Bigger is truly always better, to unlimited and insane degrees.

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1 week, 4 days ago
Oohh, a cheetah!  Heya hiyas, and welcome to InkBunny!  <3
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