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No fun stuff today, I have something to get off my chest.

There are two things true of Psychology:
1) That you can probably accurately guess a boatload of somebody's personality traits and past within a short amount of time, with enough experience.
2) That you should never actually state these assumptions out loud, because even if they're true, breaching somebody's darkest depths without easing them into doing it themselves is like yanking somebody's guts out and showing them to them. It's traumatic. People generally aren't ready to gaze into the void of how their minds work, and weaponizing their flaws like that is a good way of making sure they double down and try not to fix them. Doing what my character did in this comic is a terrible idea, because it'll just make the other person angry and less receptive.

Which is what makes it so frustrating to deal with people who insist that other people need "tough love"– they're all about the tough, and have no interest in the love. If you truly want somebody to improve their life, you have to spend some real emotional labor getting them there, and that's hard. There is no shortcut where you stand high up in your high tower, shouting down life advice and deciding that anyone who doesn't follow it just... couldn't be helped for whatever reason.

The irony is, Learned Helplessness is a thing, but it's usually the result of someone being abused, told they're lazy, told they're worthless, told their attempts to find joy are endemic of a problem they have, a lack of character that they display. So filling them up with more Personal Responsibility Politics is nothing more than a self-serving way of telling yourself and others you helped without doing the work. That's right. It's Virtue Signaling.

So the next time you think you've got somebody's number, just... take a second and think about why you're about to say something. Is it that you really want to help? Or do you just want to hurt somebody?

male 1,129,819, female 1,019,003, bear 46,016, skunk 32,243, gwendolyn mason 104, political comic 47, discourse 5
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Rating: General

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2 months, 2 weeks ago
As one of those autists, I would like to show you on the doll where the grass touched me.

*Rams a finger into the doll's sinus.*  I hate mowing in spring.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Wonder what it's called when someone finds a condition and grabs onto it to make themselves seem more helpless.
I had a roommate who said he had everything from Asperger's to Tourette's and when we wanted him to do anything he picked out something to validate his desire to not do it.  and he was good in switching up the symptoms to make people that doesn't know him think he had it.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
There are a bunch of things that could be: Hypochondria (an anxiety disorder), Pathological Lying (a confidence issue where someone lies to get sympathy or admiration because they lacked validation earlier in life or currently can't get it any other way), incredibly low self-esteem (which they supplement with explanations that make their fate seem written in stone) or any number of other similar problems. I can tell you that a healthy person doesn't do those things.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Yeah he seems perfectly fine until asked to mow the front yard.  He pulls out tactile issues from the bag of tricks and says that he can't handle touching the lawn... ten minutes after rolling around it with the puppy he had to have.
So going with pathological liar.  
2 months, 1 week ago
Could also be pathological demand avoidance or extreme demand avoidance.  But, those are just things I know about, and I'm no psychologist nor do I know the person in question.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
no interest in the love. Damn that hits hard. the whole thing hits hard. but yeah. the world could do with a bit more love and kindness in general. trying to focus on and spreading those seems like a good track to take.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
thank you for writing this
2 months, 2 weeks ago
The following is an entirely separate counterpoint to the asshole of this comic strip made solely to vent my own frustrations and is not, in any way, a criticism of Ms. Gwen.

The issue with “AI” is it’s making EVERYTHING TERRIBLE, it impacts the real world too. This isn’t the early 2000’s where the web was largely a cordoned off little world, purview of only experts and kids, where weird memes and trends could be dismissed as funny clubhouse in-jokes. “The internet is leaking” no longer makes sense because now the membrane between online and offline is more holes than substance. “AI” is already being used in real life by people who have no idea what it actually is and what it isn’t. From customer service to legal firms to journalism; just “leaving” the internet wouldn’t grant me escape.
2 months, 1 week ago
I proved my point on how it's even on the educational system by making it write my latest essays for university works. It’s honestly scary because it'll only dumb down even more as professors are seeing it and letting it pass heck I even literally said one of the references was me asking directly the AI of Microsoft Edge and listed with link and everything still was graded 100%
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I, really need to hear this.  I try to hard to vent my own frustrations with others on Youtube and Twitter to an unhealthy degree.  Even when I tried to put roadblocks to prevent me from doing so, I just seek out someone or something to yell at.

 I let myself succumb to the hate that I'm lead to by my internet algorithms.  I try not to shut it off completely out of fear of being uninformed from world news, but sometimes I feel like I should take a break from that.  And it doesn't help that I am uneducated on a lot of subjects.  I can't find the motivation or focus to research topics out of fear my views may be wrong.  No one wants to be told what they believe or lived with their whole lives is wrong.  I keep tricking myself to think it doesn't apply to me, but it really does.  

Sorry for the venting or if I come off a bit too attention seeking.  I just need actually apply myself to do better, and not let my rage blind me to actual solutions to our divides in society.  
2 months, 1 week ago
Hey at least you’re looking for it, my old man is this guy on the… comic koma? But yeah he is the typical hard headed redneck and will never change.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
That's deep, all I'll say.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Quit being so insightful! D:

I mean... geez though x.x  Bang on the money.
2 months, 1 week ago
It do be like that. Even internally. I never know for sure if I'm being too hard on myself, or not hard enough. Or both at the wrong times...
2 months ago
I love you Gwen. Thank you for being understanding. I say that as someone who is autistic and has had learned helplessness punched into him by an abusive older brother and a terrible school system.
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