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New Year's Resolution Plans Announcement

As 2023 come to a close, I would like to thank you guys for a good year of the Rabbit. It may not have been the best year, but it was STILL a journey from start to finish, despite all the hardships and struggles. Today in advance, I will be posting this journal entry in advance in preparation for 2024's challenges. I will be planning some goals that I will TRY to improve upon, mostly things that involve myself as a person and as a broken artist rebuilding himself back from the ruins of the past. Here will be a list of goals that I will try my best to achieve as the new year approaches:

1) Be more sociable. In previous years, I've always been a lone-wolf type of guy who always thought I could solve every problem by myself. Boy was I wrong. When I've always tried to work past a problem, whether as an artist or as a person, everything always ended up in disaster. I've never opened my eyes until now and realized how much friends I've made in the art community, even when there are just a few of them. Those small group of friends help me tons on how to open up more and leave my comfort zone. Hopefully in 2024, I will continue to connect with others and become a social butterfly one day.

2) Grow thicker skin. We all know that we don't like criticisms and feel hurt deep down, whether they are constructive or destructive, insults or not. We often get offended very easily by those that tell us what we hate to hear or read. In many cases, the truth hurts more than anything else, but we shouldn't bear those weights as a means of putting us down, but rather as a leverage for becoming or creating something better. By the new year, I will unblock some of those people that have hurt me in the past and give myself another chance to hear them out and bear with them more. I will also finally reopen all the comment sections involving all of my OC design evolutions again.

3) Speak up more. When we think we're strong, we always try to keep things to ourselves and not tell anyone how we feel about what we struggle with or when we think that we don't need anyone's help. The truth is that keeping those feelings bottled up within yourself means that you're really afraid to ask help from someone. There are still people who would wish to help you, even though you tell them that you don't need their aid, which often results in getting yourself hurt even more. So, if ever there is something that is bothering me in the future, I promise to chat with others more and try to work things out and get some closure with whatever struggles that I may go though.

4) More Commissions, Art Trades, and Collab opportunities. Starting January 1, 2024, commissions will be open to anyone at anytime. Once I've chosen the person who wants a drawing from me, I won't be able to get to the next commissioner until the aforementioned client's paid art piece is fully done. In other words, there will no longer be any commission slots, but anyone is free to ask for a commission from me whenever they want, as long as I am not too busy with something else, whether it is a life matter or personal art. However, I will only focus on one person's commission at a time until it is done and then move on to the next. I will also try my best to participate in art trades and collabs more often as well. Anyone is free to ask if they want to do art trades with me, but I will get to decide whether I will accept or not. [b]It'll all depend on your drawing skills.[/b] Also, if you have a collab project with no time limit and are currently looking for artists, I am always here for you to ask if you wish. Lastly, with the case of requests, they will only be open during special occasions.

I hope by the end of this year, I will get a headstart on these plans and make the most out of them compared to previous years. I would like to say for my fellow art enthusiasts out there, good luck to us all in 2024. ^w^
Viewed: 20 times
Added: 5 months, 1 week ago
5 months ago
Best of luck too you on those goals and here be a great toast to a better new year as we prepare for the Return of ALDUIN...whoops I meant as we prepare for the return of the Dragon! oh yes!

This year has certainly been a great representative of the bunny with all the hopping. So many ups and downs eh?

Be seeing ya around Space Cowboy~
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