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Still don't have a new VA x^x

I've had a ton of applicants, But I can't stress enough that I'm not looking for a deep voice chad dudes who just want to have their voice fucking cubs. I'm under no illusion that my advert would be a long shot filled with concentrated cringe. But guys, I beg, please have some level of restraint.
Viewed: 1,370 times
Added: 6 months, 4 weeks ago
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I can only imagine
6 months, 4 weeks ago
*twitchy eye*
6 months, 4 weeks ago
*In a deep voice* "Ay, yo. I'm __ years old. ... What?"
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Wish I could help... All I can say is good luck! 🙏
6 months, 4 weeks ago
oops.. responded to wrong comment.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Have you considered using an AI service such as Elevenlabs?
6 months, 4 weeks ago
https://voice.ai/ looks promising, too.  Always nice to get a real VA but if they're not available..
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I sent you a message in case you wanted to see that :-)
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Wish I could help.. love your animations.  But deep voice, here.   Maybe
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Me and DShooves already work together, I've got to expand further so I can have more characters per scene, It's not fair to over stress VA's to play so many varying roles. Right now, DS is all I have in the way of VA's hitting higher ranges
6 months, 4 weeks ago
No we don’t

U a poophawk. >:T

I kid. Seriously, BH is amazing to work for but I have vocal limits. While I love voicing stuff I want there to be other VAs so folks have a variety. It’s really easy to hear my voice through the characters I do - it’s good to have a mix!
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I hate to say it but if you can’t find voice actors for these roles you might consider opting for AI voice actors. ElevenLabs is pretty good, but it does certainly have its limitations. As much as people dislike the idea of AI being used for such things sometimes that’s the only option left. Just a suggestion.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
My voice is on the higher side, but more feminine really. I could attempt at something but I can't promise.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Try out! Worst he’ll say is no! :3
6 months, 4 weeks ago
no, could be worst. he might like it XD
6 months, 4 weeks ago
*heavy breathing*
6 months, 4 weeks ago
The way I hollered reading this deserves apology, but you have my condolences instead because good goddamn luck.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
And that when we thought that smoking became the past...
6 months, 4 weeks ago
nuh, not even that, It's called male puberty :/
6 months, 4 weeks ago
wishing you luck in finding a good VA!
6 months, 4 weeks ago
it's shortening my life span lololololol
6 months, 4 weeks ago
If I knew it was a deeper voice I could went a little deeper then my normal but oh well good luck man
6 months, 4 weeks ago
6 months, 3 weeks ago
On the audio I sent, if I had more info I would have tried to do it on a tone you was looking for
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I mean i can voice act.....not sure if my vocie be a good fit though given its  abit on the odd side
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Honestly wish I could. At the very least I could sound teenager'ish. >.>; I'm tenor'ish in voice range, but doubt my falsetto would be enough. XD;

But can confirm elevenlabs would be a good choice, although moaning would be a bit of a challenge. Only way those tend to work is when there's artifacts in the procedural generation. x.x
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Ai stuff is a bit heartless  ^ ^; But yea, if you got a fat Adams apple on your neck, it's almost near impossible to hit those authentic notes. Kinda funny that a lot of people that watch this content like gay themes but fap to a ladies voice >x>;
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Yeah, it was mostly a last resort kind of suggestion, since the situation is a bit... unique, to say the least.

Only way past it is with pitch correcting and I'm trying to hit my upper range would be as close as I could feasibly get. x.x But it's not like women voicing young boy characters isn't an uncommon practice. XD;
6 months, 4 weeks ago
not to mention guys have their macho status behaviour get bullied into them from early school life. without going down a very shaky moral bridge, It's very hard for guys to play regressive behaviours, let alone pull the voice off because of already glaring "physical differences" in our vocal cords. DAAAAAM YOOOOOU PUBITY!        
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Was going to have a crack at this, just havent been able to get to my pc yet to try some voices out. Have done higher pitch ones before, just not younger if that makes sense.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
i actually can imagine those super deep daddy voices VAing for a cub and tbh sound hilarious in my mind but i can only imagine the stress they are giving to you
6 months, 4 weeks ago
yeeeeeeaaaaa, donno, when I eventually have a mid-life-crisis ill hire BUTCH dudes.. "awhh his so cute-OH MY LORD!"  
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I could try, send me a PM sometime
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I'm a little concerned with the connections you may have with certain parts of the community, So it would not be wise for me to work along side you, sorry
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Alright then
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Here's hoping I can heal faster and get back on track. 😭 I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time too- I know I've had a few AFAB friends who have offhandedly mention they wanna try it, and the good thing is theyre proship too so its not like the subject would likely offend them.

Let me look through my rolodex and see what I can do. XD

In all honesty though, despite me taking a sabbatical from commissions (hopefully being able to just not go back) you're one of a handful of clients that I'd make an exception for. Here's hoping you have best of luck!
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I'm disproportionately in your debt as usual yim and I thank you for the batman spotlight in the sky. Right now i'm working on a very belated Halloween project with my bird character, I spent a couple of days collating all of your previous audio we've worked on and was going to see what I could salvage and then pay you royalties. Ngl, it really doesn't beat custom audio baked fresh straight from the oven because I say time and time again that even when VA's feels like they are doing the same thing over and over, the microscopic differences in our human voices have so much variance that our brains can pick up on, always feels like I'm working on something authentic when you guys submit your lines rather then mish mashing rehashed audio together over and over. with your recent journals I felt like it would be a personal insult to demand you "come back to work" hence why i've kept my head low. I love it when 'know it all' dudes approached me and say "why don't you ever just reuse your audio?" and this is what always springs to mind; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YzSHIYxdRs    
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Maybe I could try
6 months, 4 weeks ago
your welcome to have a go! ^__^
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Also, I want to kindly ask for people to stop asking for him to turn to AI </3 I think it would not only be a pretty big downgrade to his projects compared to the ones Hooves and I have worked on, its kinda disrespectful to what we've done, despite the fact that our availability isn't as large as it used to be. While A.I. might be considered for hobby projects, I find it unethical to utilize something that replicates the voices real people have spoken for personal financial gain. Seeing as BH has a subscribestar, no doubt it would be pretty upsetting to many people, contentions on AI aside.

A better way to help while supporting our work would be spread the word among your cub-friendly circles! Sure us AFABs arent as common >_> but doing so will also potentially help someone who wants to give it a try <3 Thank you for reading.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
what are you even on about, the tiktok AI voice is HAWWWWWWT!!!
But yea, The whole AI voice thing is little soulless, not to mention insulting. I think the only time I will ever consider it is if my back was REALLY up against the wall, I'm in a bad situation looking to the future, hence why I'm taking active measures now to secure my business, But for right now, I'm really just looking to add extra flavour to the candy store if you get my drift xD But alas, my hunt for unicorns shall continue *salutes*  
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Sorry to hear it's not going well. Hope you can find that new voice you're looking for.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Maybe you could get some James Earl Jones sounding chap to play a cub, because it's not often a cub is a bass, eh. "Chad cubs", it could be a whole thing. Honestly though...good luck to you there. Seems like "cub VAs" is kind of a "niche" market around here, and personally, I'm grateful that you put as much consideration into your work as you do, going so far as to even have authentic VAs at all. Most animators may just snag a few samples off the internet, or download "voice packs", or (the horror) use A.I. voice simulators to produce the dialogue.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
yea, I've gotta pat my self on the shoulder for at least the hand crafted nature of my work, so thank you, I needed that moral boost. And yea i've seen animators go down that rabbit hole with the whole copy paste "OH!...... .... AH!.... ..... HNNN!.... ... ,,, AH!... ... .... ..... .... AH!"  x'DDD
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Indeed...and when those animators opt for using pre-made sounds, they don't even bother to utilize a variety of "uhnfs" "nnghs" and "oohs". Instead, they just recycle the same truncated audio clips over and over again against generic "sex sounds". The whole sad affair is painfully obvious, and often so distracting as to be (almost) unfappable. There's a lot of nuance and inflection in real voices that simply can't be duplicated synthetically (until Skynet takes over, anyway.)

One element that has always made your animations stand apart (in my opinion, at least), is the dedication you put into the character voices. It adds a whole other layer that would otherwise be lacking, and imbues them with much more depth and emotion that (almost) transcends mere wanking material. Of course, you are kind of a victim of your own success in this regard, because everyone sort of expects whatever you produce now to boast authentic, unique VAs (which may be somewhat sparse at the moment, it would seem)...still, it would be rather amusing if one of the cubs were to suddenly "rickroll" the viewer (at least, I think that would be great for a lark.)

Anyway...looking forward to whatever you come up with next. Hope you find some good VAs soon...ish.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
yea, my timing is very poor though, I really don't think people can rhythm there faps to the scenes (you know like.. work up to the goal if you know what i mean), but I like the idea of giving the audience a peeping "key hole" experience, you know like watching in on something you shudnt be seeing
6 months, 4 weeks ago
bueno, honestamente para hacer cubs necesitas voces agudas, por eso casi siempre ves a mujeres haciendo la voz de niños en animaciones, por ejemplo la seiyuu  de goku, y bueno, las unicas personas lo suficientemente pervertidas para participar en estas animaciones (y mayores de edad) son furrys y amantes del shota en su mayoria hombres... tratare de ayudar difundiendo las audiciones, en verdad espero que puedas conseguir a alguien que este a la altura, en serio me encantan tus animaciones
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Si si, mujeres voz mucho niños, Tara Strong es muy buena claro que si.Cuando yo soy un niña, no se los muñequitos tienan en voz de mujer.Creo mujer pueden voy mas alto y poquito abajo, despues hombre es abajo y mas abajomuchostiempos.Es mas dificíl para hombre hablar con voz ariba y otro persona cre esta una mujer mucho los tiempos.

Pero otro problema es tanto mujer gustando cub no gustan hablando con hombres gustan cub porque tanto tiempos el hombre estan fresca con ella! Y yo hablo porque pasando con mi.

Lo siento por mal español. Soy boricua pero estan mi lengua dos.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
well, i can understand english, but my write is not the best, i just use very simple gramatical structures
6 months, 4 weeks ago
"Synchronized fapping" is always a challenge (exasperated when one has to continually pause, fastforward, or rewind the scene). Maybe you could have a sort of Guitar Hero type ui to help people keep the proper timing for their hand-movements (only, in place of guitar notes and riffs, you would have sex noises and orgasms, of course.)

That "key hole" concept is interesting...sort of like accidentally witnessing one's parents going at it (and being mentally scarred for life)...only, inversed, (with the parents peeking in on something they can never un-see.) I do get that sort of natural "in the moment" vibe from your scenes. It's a nice contrast from the usual "staged" feeling presented in a lot of erotic fiction.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Ever consider using a filter?
6 months, 4 weeks ago
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I've always sounded feminine, even as a boy people wondered if I was male or female, also my hair was always growing like a weed and often a bit long.  I will give it a try but I don't even know what is required yet nor how decent equipment I'd need to record.  I remember you saying something about being able to train...   I'll go look at past journals, was at a con this weekend working so I wasn't paying much attention to anything since like mid oct.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Somehow,  I saw that coming.  I kept my mouth shut because I know I got that Mufasa daddy rumble and that ain't fitting.

I was hoping more would take a legit casting call as serious as I did but looks like that ain't a thing.  Sorry fam. I hope you can dig up some.  

Maybe reach out (discretely) on Newgeounds as well and see what you can come up with.
6 months, 4 weeks ago
yea, guys are always going to be bigger risk takers and opportunistic when really the people I'm looking for are always going to be more reserved. But that's a pandoras box I'm not going to talk about any further for obvious reasons xD;  
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I wish I could hear just ONE of these applications, looove hearing this kind of stuff!
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Are you looking for something roughly around the range of your other cub VAs? I'm AFAB and fit the desc on your other post, but I've been on T for about 5 years now--my voice never really got terribly low (high tenor, low alto), but it doesn't sound cis-female anymore. I wasn't originally planning on trying out 'cause I figured you'd have a lot of better-fitting, actually-a-girl or pre-testosterone, applicants; but I can try to send something in later this week if you want more options!
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I would love to hear your voice, I think you already know your voice would probably tick a few boxes, at least from past experience with AFABS, just never found anybody "comfortable" with this content or at best not so secretive x ^x;    
6 months, 4 weeks ago
I would also like to add, some of the VA's iv worked with over the years can sound too feminine and work really hard to add rusting to their voice to achieve more grounded tones, so just understand you have a massive head start on others that have to do voice gymnastics to even come close to having 5 years of T .^.;  
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Uhhhh if i had a way to record I totally would. I've been working on voice acting and do have a high-ish voice. I just don't exaaaactly have a great mic or anything. Wish I could though
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Today I’ll try to send you my voice for fun)
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Darn. I hope you're able to find someone. My natural tone is a bit low, but I can change it without injury to my nether bits. I would be willing to give it a shot.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Would it be possible to ever have a joke animation with chad cub
6 months, 3 weeks ago
It's tempting...
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh man!!! I'm still thinking about giving things a try lolol... I have a mic so recording a lil something wouldn't be hard. Even tho I have no real voice acting experience I enjoy trying new things X3
Hmm... curious tho, what range exactly are you looking for? Are there any characters out there you could best compare it too? Might give me a good idea if my voice is right or a little too deep!! ^_^
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Your really trying to jump the gun, I cant stress enough that even my veteran VA's started from a normal speaking baseline and we litrally worked from the ground up, https://inkbunny.net/s/2038686 this is us litrally RP'ing a random conversation and DShooves has like.. 7 years experience under her belt. It litrally has nothing to do with "being able to voice cubs" and more to do with building your voice up so that people see the character come to life for a brief 5 minutes, not the person behind the microphone. The pressure is more on me to help manage and direct n' get you to that place. I generally hate to sound this pretentious for just a shoddily animated porn flick, but in the past I really was a babe in the woods and would be like "MAKE CUB SOUNDS!! >:(" but I learnt that this is not how this works and that you have to work on age regressive behaviours, change your breathing methods to emulate the smaller diaphragm as well as work to mispronounce words to show the imperfections to replicate a smaller jaw line.

70% of the work is perfecting behaviour and mannerism and learning to shed off that miserable layer of adult behaviour that was all so kindly instilled into us. So I beg you, please stop trying to play a baseball game without a pitcher. You have to understand that I'm not looking for an exact cub voice, I'm looking for someone who is ready to have there voice under the operating table (figuratively), there will be parts of your personality that will be questioned, moulded and changed that not everybody are comfortable with and this includes WHAT EVER gender that may be. Even DShooves is working hard to this day to work on her "fry" (it's a type of long extended frog croak on the back of the throat and sinus) where as an adult you rest to long on your sinus and is more common in modern english speaking people. Understand that for people on here they only see the final product, but so so so much goes on behind the scenes. So yes, If your up for your voice and your casual personality to be picked apart, then for love of god send me audio my way, But if you don't enjoy being someone your not, then this is definitely not for you, but if you want give acting a go, fart into the microphone.. make odd snuffling sounds whilst eating messy jelly filled donut, ANYTHING is something xD; Then at least we can create a dialog, You don't have to be my friend and I'm not asking you to give up your soul, this is litrally my work and this is what I have to do to keep the subs coming in x3                
6 months, 3 weeks ago
No no no you don't sound pretentious at all!! I totally get what you are saying ^_^... This is what you do for work after all lolol I would expect you to put a lot of care into things like this. I don't have a lot of experience in regards to voice acting but it is def something that has interested me for a long while, I think I'm not used to the "molding" aspect hmmhmm... Maybe... I think its just my own perfectionism telling me that if i'm not an automatic perfect fit I'm just wasting time LOLOL. Maybe i'll get over it tho :3

I'm certainly no stranger to working on larger collaborative projects at least (if you know anything ab the multi animator project community ... those r my roots). So I'm used to applying for parts, working under people, being directed in a way. Just never beyond the visual arts, I'd like to explore other mediums though. It's hard to describe but... In that community a host puts out a set of guidelines and you have to fit those guidelines near exact in order to join. With vocals I guess you don't have to be an exact 100% fit as long as you can train your voice to match? I suppose I'm a little silly for trying to approach them the same way!! ^_^'

6 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh my god lmao

Good luck mate
6 months, 3 weeks ago
If I had any recording equipment I'd throw my hat in. But alas... Maybe one day i'll be able to take a go at it. My voice has some range since i'm afab.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
If only I wasn't in a small shared apartment, ide at least try
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Deep grandpa bear voice coming from a cub's mouth make me lol
6 months, 2 weeks ago
This made me laugh so much lmao
6 months, 2 weeks ago
i like to help if i could not sur emy vocie would be good for it
5 months, 4 weeks ago
I sent through an application but it may have gotten lost in the PM abyss!
4 months, 3 weeks ago
I'm sure you'll find some voice actors soon
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I'd love to try getting into voice acting has always been a dream of mine.

My voice is very strange I'm vary soft spoken I don't have a lot of confidence in myself

3 months, 2 weeks ago
are you also looking for animation Ideas because I have 1 in mind... =3
3 months, 1 week ago
If you still need a deep voice actor I may be able to provide?
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Gotta read carefully ;) He stated "But I can't stress enough that I'm not looking for a deep voice" in the post.
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