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Very Curious...

It's come to my attention that a lot of you LOVE my MLP diaper content, so I wanna start trying something new with all of you.

I want all of you to list out who your favorite character is. They can be foal, filly, or adult. Then, I want you to give me some wholesome or kinky ideas that would involve them in diapers. Since the theme of the ideas is babyfication, the characters would have to wear baby clothing and act like a baby while having diapers that can be clean, wet, or messy. It's all up to you.

If I like the ideas, I will be making posters of them with your username appropriately tagged.

Have fuuuuuuuuuuun
Viewed: 62 times
Added: 1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
Not really here for the diaper stuff but you do you
1 year, 5 months ago
Sweetie Belle, and a changing pic would be fun
1 year, 5 months ago
That sounds like an adorable idea.
Would you elaborate a little more on that idea?
Like, is Sweetie Belle, a foal, filly, or an adult, and who is she being changed by?
1 year, 5 months ago
here's an idea to do with it: she's a filly and it's an in-progress changing pic so the diaper is open, then she'll ask the viewer if they like the stink, and it'll be a POV
1 year, 5 months ago
Ayyy! Granger! Nice to see you're on here too.
Loving the idea so far, loving iiiiiiit.
1 year, 5 months ago
Yeah! I mostly lurk but soon(TM) ill post my own stuff
Glad you like the idea!
1 year, 4 months ago
Some Pinkie Pie messing that's obviously an intentional "accident" would be uber good
1 year, 4 months ago
That would be a Pinkie Pie thing for her to do.

Got any ideas for a scenario that would lead up to that?
Like, what would she say, where would she be, how is she posed, and what would she be doing that would lead to her "accidental" mess in her diaper?
1 year, 4 months ago
Hmmm. Fug. If I had a better idea machine I'd tell ya.
1 year, 2 months ago
My favorite content kink, diapered ponies!
I love all the fillies, especially the CMC - Sweetie Belle is by far my favorite - I think she's the cutest of them and love her little voicecracks, but Apple Bloom have that adorable bow.. and Scootaloo is tomboyish, which is not my thing, *but* her trying to be cool will make her wearing/using a diaper even more embarrassing, so I can definitely see myself enjoying that scenario too.
Clean or wet diapers are my preferences, don't usually mind messy ones (except if it looks too realistic) but it's not my favorite.

And anything sexual is a great turn-on for me.. laying in a crib humping a pillow or plushy, having found someones adult toy and testing it, mistaking a penis for a pacifier or bottle, getting fucked on a changing table etc.

One example of a typical trope/scenario would be to have a filly being babysat, and the babysitter insists on taking the *baby*sitting part literally so decides to regress the filly.
This can quickly turn sexual if the filly insists on being a big pony, and the babysitter saying that if that's the case, then let's do what big ponies do, and gives the filly a good rutting.
I guess the most obvious pairings would be e.g. Apple Bloom and Big Mac for an incest couple, Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle for a non-incest one.

Another idea would be to have the class have home-rec and learn about parenting, and Miss Cheerilee has some of the students act the part of being a baby.

I'm eagerly looking forward to see what you create.
1 year, 2 months ago
I love your way of thinking, and yes, "squeaker-belle" is one of the most adorable fillies out of the CMCs and my absolute favorite. I do agree with you on Scootaloo. I'm not really a fan of her, however, her trying to "look cool" in front of the other fillies and colts in school and especially in front of her idle by wearing and using a diaper would be preeeeetty embarrassing for somepony who isn't all girly and wimpy. My second favorite of the CMCs would be the little Applebloom. I swear, that bow could topple the little thing forward, making her cute little butt raise in the air for all to see; wearing a diaper would be an added bonus. I could honestly see her wearing a cute diaper with little ribbon patterns on it. It would match her big bow perfectly in my opinion.

And I must say, you sir/madam have a great taste in kinky/wholesome scenarios. The whole trope of "proving" that a filly isn't a baby would actually make for a good comic with how you laid it out.

As I type this I just thought of the perfect scenario for Scoots that would make a pretty good comic:

Scootaloo, as per usual is dealing with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's bullying. However, things take a "strange" turn when they dare Scootaloo to test her coolness and loyalty to Rainbow Dash by wearing a diaper and acting like a baby around her. At first the orange filly refuses, but as per the trope, they threaten to spread rumors about her being a bed wetter to EVERYPONY at the school, including Rainbow Dash if she refuses. Reluctantly, she agrees.

So, fast forward in the afternoon when school gets out. Scootaloo makes her way to Sugar Cube Corner to see that Mr. and Mrs Cake are occupied with feeding the Cake twins. Seeing her chance, she quickly uses her little wings to flutter up the stairs and make her way to the twins's bedroom. Once she grabs the diaper, she quickly and quietly sneaks out of the window and shuts it to not cause any suspicion. Putting the diaper on, she waddles her way in search of Rainbow Dash.

Oddly enough, despite the dare, Scootaloo suddenly begins to enjoy the comfort of the diaper and how much it cushions her cute filly butt. Brushing off that "embarrassing" thought, she spots Rainbow Dash by a lake reading what looks to be a Daring Do book, only to get closer and see that it's a parenting 101 book.

Not wanting to delay the inevitable, she walks up to Rainbow Dash who just so happens to be too focused on her book to notice, and begins to playfully shake her little pampered filly butt in front of Dash as if she's trying to poop. Hearing the strange crinkling sound, Rainbow Dash puts her book down and she immediately stares at the little orange filly. Smiling, she looks at Scootaloo and says "Little buddy, you didn't have to dress up like an actual foal to help me with my parenting class. Now, the books says when a foal is wiggling their flank like that, it means they need to make a messy in their diaper. Soooo... I'm doing my part by helping you." the cyan Pegasus says as she slowly begins to push on the filly's belly. "N-Nnng... S-S-Stop! I-I'm not h-h-helping you with--!. The filly's words are cut off by the sudden loud gurgle as she suddenly begins to feel something hot and lumpy exit her bowls, increasing the warmth and size of her diaper.

"Scoots, I had a feeling that those two put you up to this. But, seeing you actually go through with it." Rainbow had said this with a soft chuckle.

Confused, Scootaloo wipes away a few tears and looks up at her idle. "Rainbow, you're not... Grossed out or wanting to laugh at me?"

"Why would I do that? Seeing you do something so embarrassing and gross was the most bravest and coolest thing I've ever seen! And, look... Don't tell anypony this, but I kinda have a thing for ponies who wear and use diapers. Borrowing this book from Twilight was just a coverup to not weird you out. Now... How about we head back to my place and I'll do more than change your diaper? *wink* "
1 year, 2 months ago
That Scotaloo idea sounds great, I love RD and Scoots surrogate family arch in the series.
Since they are pegasi maybe have one of them comment that the diapers are "soft as a cloud".


Your idea of Scoots and RD jumped a memory of an idea idea that I tried to turn into a story many years ago, until I realized I suck at writing,
but the gist of it was to have Rarity ask Sweetie Belle for a favor and try on some clothes she's making,
and it turns out they are very childish/foalish clothes for a pony Sweetie's age and size, and to make sure they fit correctly with the diaper, Rarity diapers Sweetie Belle before starting to fit the clothes on her.

Rarity being the perfectionist she is, is taking her time working on the attire, and before long Sweetie Belle says she has to go use the fillies room and fidgets more and more,
but Rarity keeps telling her to stand still and that she'll be done soon.
Of course the inevitable happens, and Sweetie wets herself and gives an involuntary sigh of relief as she does so, before she starts blushing and stammers 'sorry' to Rarity.
Before Rarity has the time to reply, somepony unexpectedly barges into the backroom saying they're sorry to do so, but nobody was at the front desk,
then they immediately notice Sweetie's wet diaper on full display under the clothes she's trying on and quickly apologizes for interrupting and scurries back out.

Being customer-oriented, Rarity nonchalantly tells Sweetie to stay put while she deals with the customer, and goes out to the store part of the Boutique.
Suddenly left alone in the sewing room, Sweetie's facial expressions rapidly changes from shame to sadness for a little while, until it rapidly changes again to that of curiosity and she starts turning around in various poses to look at her padded behind in the big mirrors surrounding her, gently rubbing her diaper and giving it a little squish where she soaked it. and starts to blush a little again.

While Sweetie is posing with her padded butt in the air and still exploring the thick and squishy diaper, Rarity suddenly enters the room again, startling Sweetie in the process and making her jolt into a more casual positions.
Rarity casually strolls over to Sweetie and pats her diaper to assess the situation. While using her magic to clear a nearby desk of some fabric and tools, she says "guess we'll have to deal with this before we continue, thankfully the diaper is quite thick so it didn't leak onto the attire".

Before having the time to even respond, Sweetie is quickly lifted onto the make-shift changing table by Rarity's magic, and some wipes and a fresh diaper is placed by her side.
"It's been a while since I've changed wet diapers, what is it not, three years since you stopped bedwetting?" Rarity says while unfastening the soaked diaper.
"R-rarity, don't remind me about that" Sweetie replies, having hoped nobody remembered her frequent bedwetting and occasional daytime accidents just a few years prior, once again blushing and having an embarrassed look on her face.
"Oh, I'm just teasing.. it's my fault for not letting you use the fillies room in time, I'm sorry about that.. but.." Rarity's mind wanders a bit while she is in the process of wiping and powdering Sweetie's diaper are.
"But what?"
"But you do look kind of adorable like this, I guess I forgot how much I missed caring for you. I'm honestly a bit envious of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy." Rarity explains.
"What do you mean? They don't have foals!"
"No, not strictly speaking, but they do some foalsitting ever so often, and from what they've told me, they really enjoy it as well." She says the fresh diaper gets fastened.
1 year, 2 months ago
(Max length exceeded so couldn't write it all in one post)

From here it can go multiple directions or other tangents for chapters later on. The ones I explored most was that:
1. The pony barging in could be Filthy Rich or Spoiled Rich - Diamond Tiara is a bedwetter and they have ordered clothes from Rarity, e.g. a nightgown, that would better fit over her diapers.
2. Rarity saw Sweetie's look of curiosity and intrigue while feeling her wet diaper once she came back in to the room, and decides to regress Sweetie.
3a. Sweetie was curious by the diapers and pretends to have night and daytime accidents to get put back in them.
3b. Sweetie legitimately started having accidents because of the stressful / shameful ordeal.
4. RD and Fluttershy regressed Scootaloo and started babying her.
5. Shortly after starting regressing Sweetie, Rarity asks Applejack to help build furniture for a nursery room.
While visiting Rarity and they look at Sweetie in her crib, Applejack thinks back on Apple Bloom and how she cared for her, and starts to regress her as well.
Before you know it, they'll have a slumber party together. Maybe even Diamond Tiara shows up?
1 year, 2 months ago
Honestly, having Diamond Tiara being a bed wetter would be an interesting twist for Sweetie Belle to find out about. Sweetie could EASILY use that as a form of blackmail. Now, of course Diamond Tiara could do the same thing and blackmail her since she could have seen Sweetie Belle with a wet diaper and not say anything until they got to school the next day. From there, they would just glare at each other, waiting for one of them to say something, then... Diamond Tiara strikes a deal with Sweetie Belle. She has to agree to have a sleepover at her place wearing nothing but a diaper and sexy lingerie that was made for fillies. Sure, it sounds like a weird and fun idea, but here's the catch: there's a dare. If either of them have to use the potty, they have to use their diaper in front of the other no matter if it's to pee or make a poopy. If either of them refuse, the other will force them to use the diaper by any means necessary before proceeding to take a picture of it to send to her friends. If the other complies, then the one that's not using their diaper gets up close and personal to REALLY get a good look at what the diaper does when being used, including playing with it afterwards. It would go like this:

Diamond Tiara: "Wow, Sweetie Belle. I didn't think you'd ACTUALLY show up, in a diaper no less. You must be REALLY desperate." She says with a condescending tone with a smirking expression.
Sweetie Belle: "Hmph. I could say the same for you, Ms. bed wetter." Sweetie replies back to Diamond Tiara while pressing in on the back of her padded flank.
Diamond Tiara: "Wh-Who told you that?!" She said stammering with a bright red blush across her face.
Sweetie Belle: "You did. Just...Now." Sweetie said with a devious smirk.
Diamond Tiara: "Y-You t-tricked me! Y-You know what?! No... I know just the thing..." She ponders while circling Sweetie Belle and her poofy diaper. "We're going to have a bit of fun with these diapers since you LOVE them soooooo much. Here's how it's going to go: If either of us has to use the little fillies room throughout the night, we have to use our diaper IN FRONT of the other. If either refuses.. Let's just say you and I won't be the only ones who will find out." The pink filly says while tauntingly rubbing her poofy diaper in Sweetie's face.
Sweetie Belle: "N-No fair! You won't do something like that. You know what? You go first. Stand right there and poop in your diaper!" She demanded.
Diamond Tiara: *laughs* "That's not how things work, 'pee-pee Belle'. You don't order the pony to use their diaper. You just.. Go."
Sweetie Belle: "D-Don't call me--! *grrrrrrrrrrgle* M-Mmmm...." Sweetie's sentence gets cut off by the sudden pressure beginning to build up in her lower intestine that utters a loud gurgling sound.
Diamond Tiara: "What's the matter Sweetie Belle? Does the widdle baby need to go poopy in her diaper?" The pink pony tauntingly says to Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie Belle: "Sh-Shut up! I-I don't h-have to-- M-Mmm...!" Sweetie utters a groan of pain as she begins to feel her poop beginning to work its way down, and as soon as she tries to adjust, her poop works its way out of her ponut, causing the back of her diaper to show a small visible bulge. "M-Mmm... N-No! D-Don't look at it... I-I can't s-s-stop m-my p-poop!" She shouts as a mushy sound starts to emit from her ponut as the poop continues to flow into her diaper.
Diamond Tiara: "No... I think I'm going to look at it. In fact... You forgot one part of the deal..." She says as she gets close and begins sniffing and nuzzling the lumpy mess that's forming in Sweetie's diaper.
Sweetie Belle: "Ah! N-No! Get... Off!" Sweetie Belle says as she pushes Diamond Tiara back with her messy rump to where she ends up sitting on the filly's face as she continues to mess herself.
1 year, 2 months ago
Not a bad scenario, though personally I'd have it the other way around - Diamond Tiara deserves to be taken down a notch or two... but maybe Sweetie will plot a revenge somehow to get back at Diamond after this?

The possibilities really are endless though.
1 year, 2 months ago
Sorry, was the teasing/taunting too much? I was going based on how she used to act before she was reformed during the episode where the CMCs got their cutie marks.
1 year, 2 months ago
There can never be too much teasing and taunting. :)
And yes, the scenario is probably better before her redemption, at least if you go the teasing route.
1 year, 2 months ago
Just going to list some more padded ideas here since I'll forget them otherwise.

Discord does something stupid or dangerous, or both, and is criticized by Twilight where she says he ought to grow up.
He then mutters something about everything being relative, or "why don't you grow down" etc, and regresses Twilight, possibly all the Mane 6.

CMC fillies pre-cutiemark - trying to get their cutiemark in babysitting, by taking turns being babies and taking care of each other in their treehouse.
Can easily be extended by somepony noticing them. Babs, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Big Mac, Applejack etc.

Sweetie Belle's magic practice, pre-cutiemark - a spell goes wrong and regresses Sweetie and/or Twilight.

Apple Bloom's potion making, pre-cutiemark - A potion goes wrong and regresses Apple Bloom and/or other ponies.
The only remedy mayb be to wait for it to go over naturally, in the mean time it's best to be diapered to avoid accidents.
Maybe Zecora might find something to speed up the process after a while, and puts the remedy in their baby bottles.

Super Speedy Diaper Easy 6000! Flim and Flam comes to Ponyville to show off their latest invention, a diapering machine.
Surely somepony from the crowd will volunteer to give it a go? (Sort of like the Looney Tunes diaper machine cartoon from way back.)

Rarity sees advertisement for the Spa, having a big discount on a "Get pampered for 24 hours".
Since she has worked hard lately, it is well deserved to spoil herself a bit.
What she didn't realize, is that the Spa ponies *literally* meant pampered, not just indulging in self-wellness - and since the deal was for 24 hours, she's stuck there for that amount of time.
Maybe there was even an X for Y discount pricing, so she got one of her friends or her sister to come with her.
Also has some obvious set-up for a bad joke about wearing a messy diaper instead of taking a mud bath.
1 year, 2 months ago
Somepony struggles with bedwetting, and waking up wet is always preceded by a nightmare of heavy rain and thunder.
But suddenly one night that started with the same old nightmare, Princess Luna interrupts it and brings the pony to shelter, where she gives a pep talk and diapers the pony.
After Luna leaves, the pony quickly examines the diaper right before the rain and thunder resumes and startles the pony, causing them to wet it and immediately wake up..
But this time they wake up with a dry bed and wet diaper instead.

The apple farm is quite big, so it's a good idea to wear a thick diaper when apple bucking so you don't have to go all the way back for a potty break. Have Applejack or Big Mac change Apple Bloom's diaper out in the open apple orchard.
Maybe RD sees it from the cloud above the orchard that she has been napping on, think it looks cute and decides to diaper Scootaloo.

Wonderbolt suits might be a bit pesky to get out of during training and performances, so maybe a thin and *almost* discrete diaper is a good idea. They can change each other in the locker room as needed. Maybe Scootaloo makes her way into the locker room and sees Rainbow Dash wearing a diaper?

School excursions might be far away from any toilets, so it makes  sense for the fillies and colts to wear protection, just in case.
Could have somepony use the diaper, teasing ensues, and Miss Cheerilee has them start sucking on pacifiers to shut them up.

"Magic kindergarden" seems like an obvious one, even gifted ponies may not be properly potty trained there, and the staff might find it easier to just keep everyone diapered.

I'd wager that Twilight Sparkle would prefer to be diapered in grade school as well, so she wouldn't miss out on any of the classes due to bathroom breaks.

Princess Cadance babysitting Twily, and puts her in a diaper for the night.
The diaper should have suns and ladybugs on it, and while Cadance tapes on the diaper she says "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake" as she pats the front of Twily's diaper - Twilight then stands up and says "Clap your hooves and do a little shake" as she claps her hooves and shakes her freshly diapered rump at Cadance.

Filthy Rich's filthy diaper scheme - being a owner of a diaper factory or store, Filthy is sick and tired of watching the sales numbers stagnating instead of going up, and gets his hoofs on something that makes ponies wet themselves.
First he tests it on Diamond Tiara by simply slipping it into her food, and is happy when she wakes up with a wet bed after just a few days. After a couple weeks, she has even started to have daytime accidents and messes herself at night, and after a month, she has lost all control.
With Filthy's money, power and influence, it's easy for him to extend it to all of Ponyville.
1 year, 2 months ago
Sorry for spamming, but thought of more ideas:

There's an event of sorts that has an advertisement saying "free entrance for foals x years and under",
and a chaperone decides to dress the fillies up as foals to get the special admission to the event.

Nightmare Night is upon us, but somepony doesn't have a costume, so has to wear a quickly thrown together baby costume of things still laying around in storage boxes.
Even Sweetie Belle could be explained by Rarity simply being too swamped with orders, so she had forgotten to make Sweetie's costume that she had promised her,
but most ponies don't need that big of an explanation, though it would obviously be a nice addition.

Babs Seed is bullying the CMC, calling them blank flanks and babies. But at home during the night/motning, Apple Bloom finds out Babs wears diapers during the night.
Some sort of blackmail/counterteasing? Or a wholesome story where Babs only lashed out because she felt like a baby herself, but have learned that it's ok to not be fully grown up yet?

Big Mac and Sugar Belle wants a foal, but can't get one / or they want some practice first.
They decide to regress somepony for practice. (E.g. Apple Bloom, Babs Seed, Scootaloo or somepony else.)

Scootaloo hurts herself doing dumb stunts, either trying to get her cutie mark, or just because.
Ends up bedridden and has to wear a diaper while healing, gets regressed by her caretaker.

Truth or Dare - The CMC, maybe some other fillies, are having a sleepover and is playing the quintessential game of truth or dare.
The filly that lives there dares somepony else to put on an old foal diaper laying around in storage. It's a tight fit, but a fit nonetheless.
Later on in the game, the pony is dared to use the diaper as well.
Can then either be regressed by the other fillies with more baby stuff, or an older pony might come in to check on them and sees what's going on, and all the fillies end up regressed.

This one might work in conjunction with a Filthy Rich / Diamond Tiara idea I posted earlier:
1. Filthy Rich's diaper factory will start to make diapers for grade school ponies, and he brings some samples home to test them out on DT.
She obviously objects to use them, and gets an enema to make sure she uses them.
2. The new diaper sizes also need a picture on the package and for advertisement campaigns, and Filthy Rich needs somepony to model the diapers.

Scat isn't something I think about that often, but if you want something more nasty, how about the CMC trying to get their cutie marks in plumbing, and clogs up the customer WC in Rarity's boutique.
Rarity then ends up keeping Sweetie Belle (and maybe the other crusaders as well?) in the WC to be used as a toilet for any customers... and how she is used can be quite varied.
The first stallion might push his penis inside the diaper's backside or front as she is standing normally or held against a wall.
The second stallion can push into the diaper by one of the leg openings or tailhole while she is laying on her back or kneeling.
Messing is tougher to do, but there are options.
One way would be to simply untape the diaper, poop in it, and then fasten the diaper again.
Another would be to poop into a potty/food bowl, and have the filly eat it.
Or simply shit straight into her mouth, then pee down her throat to help wash it down.
I'm a bit undecided who should change the diapers though. The filly by herself? The other crusaders if there are more? The customers themselves? Rarity?
This could take place at the start of some vacation, with Rarity making a remark about how she'll get a plumber first thing after the vacation is over,
and when she closes the shop for the day should tell Sweetie to take a bath and clean up - and get some rest, since the *seasonal fashion* sale will start tomorrow, and it's sure to be a busy day.
1 year, 2 months ago
Some more:

Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash are arguing about who's the fastest. The back and forth arguments turn into petty name calling,
and Lightning tells Rainbow that she's as slow now as when she was a foal, of not even slower, to which Rainbow retorts "YOU'RE the foal!".
They then bet on who is the fastest flyer, and the loser will have to wear and use diapers, pacifiers etc, just like a foal.

Twilight Sparkle is visiting Princess Celestia, and they end up talking about back when Twilight was a filly and had bedwetting problems.
Celestia eventually says how she misses having somepony to take special care of, and before you know it, she has done an age-regression spell on Twilight.

Starlight Glimmer doing some time-spell that goes wrong and regresses her.
I just need an excuse to get padded filly Starlight Glimmer. Hell, do I even need a reason? Her mane is just too damn adorable.
Maybe Twilight gets caught in the spell too, and Luna / Celestia has to take care of the little fillies.

Basic filly curiosity maybe starring Apple Bloom, finding a storage box of baby items and deciding to use them.
Eventually the guardian finds out and indulges the filly in her curiosity, treating her as a foal.

Leap Year - Pinkie Pie meets a Filly that turns 8 years old on February 29th.
Pinkie Pie insists the filly is only turning 2 years old, and throws a more age-appropriate party.

Ponyville Confidentail - the CMCs gossip column is a big hit, and one of their latest investigative reports is that somepony at their school is a bedwetter - investigative journalism ensues.
Should the overall message like the episode does, that gossip sucks.

Fluffy With a Chance of Crinkling - Rainbow Dash is taking Scootaloo to a trip to Cloudsdale.
Obviously pegasi can walk on the clouds without being able to fly - but what if the filly accidentally walks off the sky path?
That's why there's some special diapers made, with the fluffy and floaty properties of a cloud, to make sure that foals don't fall down.

Foals and Tiaras - Spoiled Rich becomes aware of a beauty pageant, and since she think it ought to do Diamond Taira good to compete,
in addition to hopefully get more connections to potentially influential ponies, she signs DT up for it.
What she doesn't notice however, is that the pageant was meant for foals, not fillies - and as such the garments worn are quite babyish, with mandatory padding.

Summer Camp - During the school vacation, the guardians of the CMCs have decided to send the three fillies off to a summer camp for a couple of weeks, to get some rest from their silly antics.
One train trip and short carriage trip later, the CMCs arrive at the camp, only to be told there has been a mix-up - the awesome, amazing, adventurous summer camp has been overbooked!
Thankfully though - the babyish, lame, safe part of the summer camp still has available spots.. basically, they are staying at an 24/7 daycare for two weeks.
The cabins have cribs instead of beds and plentiful of diapers instead of toilets.
Outdoor activities like swimming in the creek and kayaking are replaced by splashing around in a shallow pool and a slip-'n-slide.
Zip-lines are out of the question, instead they have to make do with playing on a seesaw, their thick diapers crinkling with every bounce.
And who knows, maybe there wasn't a mix-up at all, but it was intended to have them at the foal part of the camp.
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