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still alive and here.....

still alive and here, just, not really had much good to say across the board for the last year plus, between depression, still being extremely unsatisfied with my life and my life situation, and everything else, I've just honestly been avoiding as many outlets to vent/bitch as I can as of late.  so...if I'm absent, it's because I'm trying so very hard to avoid giving myself a way to bitch and moan about things.  I end up doing that more than I like already on telegram, and even there, I'm trying so very hard to not do so, and knowing myself if I give myself the ability to do so, I very much will do so, so I've just been avoiding as many places to do so as I can is all.
Viewed: 6 times
Added: 1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
hey, nice to see you again.! XD my life also sucks heheh but i see my life as a black comedy... if you want to talk, you have a great friend here on me *hugs*
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