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Before I start, I want to thank you all for your concern, those who follow me have already read that post about my health problems due to stress and anxiety, I am pleased to inform you that lately I am feeling better, little by little I am recovering the desire to draw and from time to time to make some other animation, the strong relapses from which I suffered have almost disappeared.
From the month of September my activity will decrease because I am going to start a job that I do not know if it will leave me free time to do what I like the most. My pages as Patreon will continue to work, but less frequently because, as I said before, I'm going to start working. The commissions for now will remain closed until I can organize my life well (In case you're wondering, yes, I'm in treatment).
I want to end this post by sharing this little drawing I made when I started to feel better (I forgot last time I made a drawing with a sheet of paper and a pencil hahaha), I hope to get out of this soon and finally be at peace with myself.

Antes de empezar, quiero darles las gracias a todos por su preocupación, quienes me siguen ya han leído aquel post acerca de mis problemas de salud producto del estrés y ansiedad, es de mi agrado informarles que últimamente me estoy sintiendo mejor, de a poco voy recuperando las ganas de dibujar y de vez en cuando hacer alguna que otra animación, las fuertes recaídas de las que sufría ya casi han desaparecido.
A partir del mes de septiembre mi actividad va a disminuir porque voy a empezar un trabajo que desconozco si me va a dejar tiempo libre para hacer lo que más me gusta. Mis páginas como Patreon van a seguir funcionando, pero en menor frecuencia porque, como dije antes, voy a empezar a trabajar. Las comisiones por ahora seguirán cerradas hasta que pueda organizar bien mi vida (Por si se lo preguntan, sí, estoy en tratamiento).
Quiero finalizar este post compartiendo este pequeño dibujo que hice cuando empecé a sentirme mejor (olvidé la última vez hice un dibujo con una hoja de papel y un lápiz jajaja), espero pronto salir de esto y poder al fin estar en paz conmigo mismo.
Viewed: 10 times
Added: 1 year, 10 months ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Understanding and monitoring one's health state is essential for maintaining overall well-being and proactively addressing any concerns that may arise. Regular health check-ups, screenings, and self-assessment are valuable tools in gaining insight into one's health status and identifying potential areas for improvement. By staying informed about factors such as physical fitness, nutrition, and mental health, individuals can take proactive steps to optimize their health and prevent future health issues. Additionally, seeking guidance from healthcare professionals and utilizing resources like https://www.asianmedical.net/ can provide valuable information and support in managing and improving one's health state. Prioritizing self-care, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and staying proactive in monitoring health indicators are key strategies in achieving and maintaining optimal health and well-being.
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