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This Election...

All votes done in person will finish being counted tomorrow.
All votes done via ballot box drop off begins tomorrow. The time they will be done is unknown.
All votes done by mail-in voting and by asbentee voting will be starting and done by an unknown time.
Never before has an election taken a single night, or a single day and night, in the entirety of US History.
The elections can take anywhere from a few days to over month.
Most of the elections that took almost a month to over a month has occured after our country became 50 states.
We have a hell of a lot of votes to count.
Most of the votes this year were done by ballot box drop-off, mail-in voting, and absentee voting. They make up over 60% of all votes made this year.
This isn't the first time in US history when the election was decided by votes that were done by one or more of these three things.
Ballot boxes, mail-in voting, and absentee voting, have all existed for a VERY LONG TIME in the USA.
Ballot box drop off has existed since the USA was founded. Mail-in voting and absentee voting has existed LONG BEFORE WE WERE EVEN 50 STATES!
And the fact is, throughout the majority of history that all three things have existed, the majority of votes existed in these three things ever since all three became a thing.
We have no clue what the election results will be until a few days from now AT LEAST. AT MOST WE WON'T KNOW FOR WEEKS!!! We can't rely on the idea that votes will be done counting anytime soon.

Most Trump voters voted in person, Trump voters that wanted in person voting make up almost 2/3 of Trump voters. Their in person votes won't even be finished being counted until tomorrow. And ballot boxes were heavily used by both Biden and Trump supporters with a slight favoring towards Biden supporters, and we haven't even started counting those votes at all! Most Votes for Biden were done via Ballot box, Mail-in, and Absentee voting.

If anyone says Ballot Box votes, Mail-in votes, and Absentee votes, should not be counted, that an election should only matter in a single night, they are literally saying the votes of both Candidates should be thrown out. They are literally saying the election doesn't matter and that votes should not matter. They are literally advocating to make the US a dictatorship. They would want a large chunk of Trump votes thrown out, and ALMOST ALL OF BIDEN VOTES THROWN OUT!!!

Right now our democracy is at state. Trump and some of his supporters and Trump's lawyers are saying that the majority of votes, including votes done IN PERSON should be thrown out and not counted. That is literally advocating for a Dictatorship. Many Dictators that were elected and afterwards didn't want an election demanded that the majority of votes not be counted. Trump, Trump supporters, and Trump laywers advocating for this don't many people who vote for Trump should have a voice in this election, and that ALMOST ALL Biden voters should not have their votes counted. They have called the election illegal, treason, and illegitimate.

This election is not about whether or not Trump wins 4 more years or Biden wins... it's about whether the USA becomes a dictatorship, or we stay a democracy.

If you voted for Trump, you knew which of the two you were supporting.
Viewed: 11 times
Added: 3 years, 7 months ago
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